Chapter 3: Who again?

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Maybe I overreacted these days, Come on if I talk to them then they will remember me. Maybe they just didn't see me those days right? Right?! Well it is worth the shot and even if some of them don't remember me doesn't mean Natsu wont right? But at least I have master and Gray. I walked outside and was on my way to the guild. Today was a perfect day, how could anything go wrong? I walked into the guild, and Lucy, Natsu and Gray sat at a table. I walked over to my brother and hugged him. He turned around and smiled when he saw it was me. Natsu and Lucy looked weird at us, and Natsu began laughing.

,,What's funny?" Gray asked.

,,I didn't knew ice princess got a girlfriend!" Natsu said, laughing.

,,D-Does that mean you don't remember me?" I asked Natsu.

,,What do you mean? Have I seen you before?" Natsu asked, I wanted to cry but I didn't.

,,Natsu this is Y/N remember? She is my little sister" Gray said to Natsu.

,,When did you get a sister?" Natsu asked.

,,What do you mean?! You have known her since we were kids!" Gray yelled.

,,Are you sure?" Natsu asked.

,,Yes! She is a member of this guild as well!" Gray yelled.

,,I don't think so Gray, I remember everyone in this guild and I haven't seen her before" Natsu said, pointing at me.

,,B-But" I said looking down.

,,What is your name?" He asked.

,,I-I'm Y/N" I said.

,,Nop never heard of you" He said.

I felt tears stream down my cheeks. Master had just come out of the office and saw me crying, he walked over to us and I hugged him. He patted my back and looked at the others with a glare except for Gray. I let go of him as he walked towards Natsu and Lucy. He looked at Natsu with a dead glare.

,,Why did you make Y/N cry?!" Gramps asked.

,,I don't know that girl okay?!" Natsu yelled.

,,That's enough Natsu" Master said, and took my hand.

,,M-Master?" I asked, still on the edge to cry.

,,Come with me Y/N also you Gray" Master said.

We followed him to his office. We got settled down and we explained what just happened. Then gramps got an idea. But it would took days to find it. We had to find the old pictures of the guild members, maybe they will remember me then? Then I realized something.

,,Gramps?" I asked.

,,Yes Y/N?" He answered.

,,This isn't to blame anyone, but what if it is only the members that met Lucy that have forgotten me?" I asked.

,,That is a good question" Gramps said.

,,What are you thinking gramps?" Gray asked.

,,I will send a letter to all of those who have been on a quest and haven't met Lucy" Gramps said.

,,And?" Me and Gray asked.

,,We will have them to met us at my office, and I will tell them to avoid Natsu and a Blondie with brown eyes he walks around with" Gramps said, writing a letter.

,,Of course master" I said.

,,Now my child in two days the members should be back" He said.

,,Two days?" I asked.

,,This is important so I will make all the members come back" He said.

,,Of course master" I said.

,,Now get some rest my child" Gramps said.

,,Of course" I said.

I walked outside, in two days we will maybe get the answer?

(A/N: Daily quote)

I hope you remember me,

like i remember you....

The forgotten, will she be remembered? (Natsu x Reader) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now