First Death, First Badge

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The team had an aura of power about us as we strolled down the route to the direction of the gym. Hardly any trainers wanted a fight and wild pokemon were too intimidated to show themselves. Raphael had learnt double-kick when he evolved which only made him even more awesome.

There was one problem. A lady who called herself Janice refused to let us pass without a fight.

"Oh come on, I can beat your whole team with just my combusken. It's a waste of time" I said, trying to reason with her.

"If you're so sure, lets battle." she said, in a sing-song voice. I shrugged and sent out Raphael, who was in the middle of sharpening his claws. Janice laughed and sent out a Marill. I frowned.

"The rest of my team is just as strong." I said, swapping out Raphael to allow him to continue to sharpen his claws and instead sending out Artemis.

"Use bite!" I ordered. Artemis lunged forward and savagely attacked the Marill.

"Rollout!" Janice said in her annoyingly poshy voice. she reminded me of Tim. In a bad way. Artemis got hit by the Rollout and went down to yellow health. Just to be safe, I returned her.

"Who wants to go in next?" I asked my team.

"I'll go." Polly volunteered.

"Hah, YOU!? No, I, the almighty Tim will go forth." Tim said, flying into the battle without my consent.

"Alright Tim, use-" before I could say anything, Marill lunged forward with a Rollout and hit Tim out of the air.

"Crit." Janice said smugly. I looked down at Tim's body.

"Ok Tim, get up, I'll swap you out." I said. Tim lay there face down on the ground. "Tim?" Polly muttered, crawling forward to give him a poke. There was no response. I began to feel uneasy.

"Err, you ok there?" I asked, walking over to Tim. When I wasn't looking, Janice slid away into the bushes with her fat Marill following behind her. There was silence.

 Just then Tim let out a gasp and rolled over onto his back. Everybody was relieved.

"Okay, let's get you to a pokemon center..." I murmured.

"No! My time has come." Tim said dramatically, raising his hand up to his forehead.

"What are you talking about? You're fine." I said, walking closer.

"Time to move onto something better than... you weak bunch." Tim gasped, before lying still.

"Did he just...."

"Is he...."

"Return. Everybody." I ordered firmly, taking out the pokeballs for my team. Sadly, I walked over to Tim and picked his limp body up in my arms.

"Sorry Tim." I said morosely, looking down at the Butterfree. He didn't move. He really was gone.

"I'm sorry."

RIP Tim the Butterfree,

Level 5-10


Although the team was greatly demoralised by the death of Tim, we decided that the best way to avenge him would be to beat Roxanne and get the Stone Badge. I healed my pokemon and purchased some potions just in case.

I did a bit more training before I finally pushed open the door of the gym and stepped inside. To my surprise, Roxanne was just standing there. She turned to face me.

"Hello." she said, and before I had a chance to reply she continued speaking. "You must be a new challenger."

"What gave her that idea?" Artemis said dryly from behind my leg. Thankfully, I don't think Roxanne heard.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2017 ⏰

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