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  "You're nut." I told the crazy girl, who also happened to be my best friend, Ali. "I'm so not going up there."

  "Well, that's your loss." She shrugged, giving me that you're-so-gonna-regret-this stare. "I mean look at him, what's not to like?"

  I looked. Really hard. I looked from his cute pinenut colored hair to his Nike shoes. "Nothing."

  Ali grinned. "Good. I'm glad you think that. That way, you won't be angry at what I do next."

  "Wait, what?" 

  My mouth opened wide as I watched Ali step out of our hiding(behind a Candy Machine) and stride up toward the boy. 

  She tapped his shoulder coolly.

  The boy jumped a bit and turned. "Umm...Hello. Is there something I can help you with?"

  "Actually. Yes." She replied. Jesus. How does she act so cool in front of a boy? And a cute one at that. "That's my friend over there." She pointed at the Candy Machine.

  "I'm assuming you didn't mean the Candy Machine?" 

  Ali frowned at my shyness. "No. Stay right here. I'm going to bring her here." Her voice held an air of authority that made the boy raise his eyebrows.

  Which were amazingly brown. 

  Ali walked toward me. I backed away. "Sami. Come on!" She used that voice, the voice that made me take a tiny step forward. "I'm doing you a huge favor. Which, by the way, you can repay me later when I see a boy I fancy." 

  I smiled tightly. "I don't know what to say," I whispered into her ears.

  "I'll bet he doesn't either." She whispered back. "Just look at him."

  I followed her gaze and saw that the boy was swaying back and forth and biting on his fingernails. 

   Then I was in front of him. "Umm...hello."

  I didn't know what to say next so I turned to Ali for some clues. 

  I see no Ali. That damn girl disappeared every time I needed her the most. Though I guessed it would look really weird asking for instructions when trying to talk to a cute boy.

  "Hey. What's your name?" The boy asked timidly. 

  I liked shy boys.

  "Sami. Yours?"

  "Jordan." He replied, then smiled a bit. "That friend of yours is something."

  My face lit up at the mention of Ali. "Yes. Very tough to handle."

  His face softened and said, "I hate that I have to say thank you to her."

  "Well, I guess that makes two of us," I replied, my face heating up at my own statement. 

  I stared as he leaned down and took my hand. His cuff brushing my knuckles, and his soft but strong hand gripping my cold and shaking one. "I was wondering if you would like to come to dinner with me."

  My eyes widened. "Now?"

  "Unless you have other plans." He replied softly, his hand still gripping mine. 

  "But Ali-" I started, but then caught sight of a figure staring at us from behind a tall tree. Ali. Her hand waving feverishly and her lips mouthing go! go! "Well, apparently she can't wait to get rid of me. So yes. I would like to go to dinner with you." 

  His eyes lit up at that, and he beamed like a mad man. A cute one none the less. 

  He led me down the street in a comfortable silence, his hand squeezing mine occasionally. "I was hoping you like Italian?"


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