Chicken Sandwich

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I sigh heavily as I sit down in the office chair, earning some sideways glances from my colleague. I ignore them and open the sandwich bag. Lunchtime is the best time of the day. Well, aside from bedtime.

"What are you eating?" Selene asks as she pokes her head out from across.

"Chicken salad sandwich," I reply curtly, not really liking Selene. None of the people actually like Selene because she tries too hard to make the manager like her. It's like those teacher's pets but only in the adult world.

She shakes her head disapprovingly. I raise a brow. She points at the chicken sandwich I am about to bite into. "Do you know how much fat is in that sandwich? Are you sure you want to eat that? You know, after..."

"After what?" I press.

She shrugs "After gaining two pounds just this week."

My heart sinks as that evil lady reminds me of my extra two pounds. But a chicken sandwich couldn't hurt. "Sorry, did you gain two pounds as well?" I ask in my polite voice.


"Then please, take your stupid nose out of my business. So what if I gained two pounds? Maybe that was my intention. Now please go away and let me have my lunch in peace."

She does go away after a second. I look at my sandwich, and with a sigh, put it back into the paper bag. I take a pack of biscuit out of my bag and munch on it while scrolling through my phone. My face lights in when a message from Daren appears.

My Baby: Hey, how's work going?

You: eh

My Baby: You okay?

You: I guess. I just let Selene convince me not to eat a chicken sandwich.

My Baby: Why the hell would u let someone talk you out of a perfectly good chicken sandwich?

You: Because if I eat it, I'm going to be guilty. I gained like two pounds already. I don't want to turn into an ugly fat hen. Wait, that would be cannibalism.

My Baby: What did you eat, then?

You: Biscuit

My Baby: Okay we're going to dinner together. I won't let you skip another meal.

You : Daren to the rescue huh? Luv u.

My Baby: Luv u more

I chuckle at his words, Selene, the ever annoying bitch, glances over with a frown.

I rub my temples and shrug "Sorry, I'll try to keep it down."

Seenly satisfied with my answer, she goes back to typing love letters to our boss.

I slam the car door shut and see Daren leaning against his black bike (saving the environment and everything. One of the many reasons why I love him.). He throws me a goofy grin as I dive into his waiting arms, melting into his embrace. "I've missed you."

He peppers kisses all over my hair and breathes "Me,too. Hungry?" He says just after my stomach growls.

I smack his back lightly "Shut up. But I can eat a horse."

"Well good thing I brought you to a Chinese place, huh?"

I nuzzle into his neck "You know me so well."

After ordering, he stares at me with his leafy green eyes, his lips in a frown. His glass of lemon water untouched.

I sip mine while poking at his frown "What's wrong?"

He opens his mouth and bites my index finger suddenly, I retract my finger with a yelp.

He reaches out and grabs my hands, pulling it toward the middle until our hands are intertwined together. "I hate that you're skipping lunch."

I shift in my seat "I guess I just wasn't that hungry."

He hand tightens on mine "Who the hell isn't hungry during lunch time? Especially when there's a chicken sandwich in front of you packed by your handsome boyfriend."

I bite my lips "I didn't want to gain another pound. Yes I know one sandwich isn't that powerful but I hate feeling guilty for eating...Hate that feeling..."

He leans forward to connect our lips, all the while muttering "I know. I know. But honey, those two pounds are healthy muscle weight you gained." He pecks my lips " from going to the gym with me."

I smile against his soft lips "yeah because you got laughed at by your brother for not having six pack."

He bites my lips playfully "shh, no need to announce that to the world."

I pull away first, with a sheepish grin on my face "god I love you."

He rests his head between his palms, squeezing his face until he looks like a teddy bear. "Love you too. In fact, because I love you so much, I will give some of my fried rice to you." He shushes my open mouth "And , in return, you have to go to the gym with me til I get the six pack I need to win Albert."

I squeeze my face with my hands , copying his action. "Deal."



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