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When i finally got Serenity to go back to sleep i put her back in the basket and into the spear room, just in time two, because Josh comes stumbling through the door pissed as a fart.

"Oli" he murmured wrapping his hands around my waist, he smelled of alcohol.

"Fuck me" he murmured into my ear pushing me up against the wall, making me harden and i new he could feel it because he started grinding on me whist his mouth was exploring mine. "fuck Josh... can we do this on the sofa the wall is hurting my back!"

i moan a little as he places me on the sofa, and sitting on me with his legs wrapped around my hips.

he pulls my hoodie of my head with steady hands reveling my tattooed body,

how could a man have this affect on me he was so hot, "Oli... i want you" he mummers whilst taking my Jeans of. I hear his breath quicken as he reaches my boxers

which he pulls down with ease, he is like god his hands so strong and frim on my length pushing up and down, it took about 2 minutes in till i came in his hands.

"Josh i no you wont remember this in the morning , and i will probs.' be to scared to say but i really love you in no it hasn't been the long but you are my life now, hah i no how cringe that is so i guess i'm going to stop" i laugh to my self

"No don't stop it was just getting good" i blushed and sat up to get changed, josh doing the same thing

"Lets go to bed little guy" i say whist grapping his cheeks and pulling them.

"dick" he murmured getting into bed i new he didn't mean it.

When josh drifted of i went to go check Serenity. she looked so much like josh it made my heart melt . i kissed the top of her head before leaving and getting back into bed next to josh "I love you" i whisper before slipping into a dreamless sleep.

Authors note, sorry i no its really bad at the moment please keep reading tho hah comment xx

still Oli (POV)

I woke to hear josh singing a lullaby it was so cute i didn't want to open my eyes. I could listen to him sing for ever.

Wait who was he singing to? I sit up and look around the room till i find josh, sitting on the bed holding Serenity whilst reading the note. I could tell he hade been crying, he hadnt noticed i was awake so i shucked up behind him and wrapped my hands around him my belly touching his back .

"Hey beautifully" i whisper into his ears.

He turns to face me "You were asleep and she was crying, Oli why didn't you tell me i had another baby?" he said softly cradling Serenity in his arms

"you were drunk" i looked him dead in the eyes

he looks down at Serenity and smiles my feverous smile, "Oli i cant raise her alone," he looks up at me "can you help me?"

Of course i would help him i would do anything for him and this little girl they were both mine now and i will protect them my humans.

"of course, now give me the baby and go have a shower we need to go babbbbyyy shhhooopppiiinngg!" i sung the words baby shopping at him and he smiled

Josh (POV)

We got to town quite early for a sunday the cold weather filling the air, its 8 days till christmas. Im not really a fan of christmas my parents didn't have much money just another to feed me and my sister. On christmas we just sat there dreading the days back at school with all the kids bragging about presents and shit!

"Right we need to get some stuff for serenity okay babe?" oli said holding my hand, we asked Jordan to baby sit Serenity for today.

By the end of our trip we got everything we needed like a cot food clothes etc...

I wanted to surprise Oli i new the christmas lights were coming on at six so we went to Greg's brought loads of cookies and sausage rolls and some hot chocolate i could tell oli was existed.

"Joshhyyyyyy where are we going!!!" this must have been the 10th time he's asked me. I checked my watch before deciding to make are way to the town centre,

it was beautiful all the light all the excitement in the air watching Olis face light up and the sparkle in his eyes it reminded me how much i loved him my perfect fetus.

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