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"What do you think you two are doing?!."

"Its nothing chanyeolģ hyung!."

"Fighting on school grounds is prohibited."

"Just because your the president of the supreme student government of this school doesn't mean you can stop our fight." He pouts

"I have a right since the students where the one who voted me. So enough with your whining and lets go. we still have classes and you dont want to be late because of detention."

"And you." He  points at me.


"At my office after classes. Do you understand?."


"Now go. If you dont want to be late and get a detention slip."

I gotta go before this creepy guy here gives me detention!


After classes i decided to and grab a burger before i go to Mr.bossy's office

"I burger plea-."

"I thought you where going to my office after classes?."

O_O oh no.. hes here?!

"Aw hehehe okay bye."

I ran as fast as i could. until i reached the door of his office.

"Told ya i was first--."

"Come in."

T_T Seriously? This guy is creepy

"I want to discuss an imortant matter to you."

"What important matter mr. President."






"So, are you accepting the fact that you are going to be my slave or do you want me to remove your scholarship."

"N-no its not t-that! o-ok i will b-be your s-slave."

"Okay then its settled you will be my slave for 6months 182 days and 4,350 hours." You gotta be kidding me..

6months 182 days and 4,350 hours..


"Dont worry. all you have to do is do whatever i say."

"Will you.. perhaps.. pay me?."

"Of course, you will have your pay every week. I will even buy you a new phone and a  laptop. and when i go to a buisness trip i will be the one paying." It seems like its not bad being a slave huh, well.. i hope

"Your slavery starts tommorow."

"K, bye gotta go."


I dont really get why he's acting all bossy to me? Well.. of course he's the supreme student governtment president at sm university. But slavery is too much T_T just too much


Ugh its past 9pm already and i dont think the streets are going to be safe with this late hour. Ugh if i didn't need to go to mr. Bossy's office i wouldn't go home at this late hour!

I got no choice but to walk T_T

"meow meow."

Shoo! Oh no.. its a black cat.. badluck..T_T

"Hey there miss beautiful. come with me."

What?! Wait who's there?! Is that a kidnapper?!

"Im sorry but im too you young to die!."

"What are you talking about miss beautiful? Your going on a date with me at the bar."

Is he going to.... rape me?.. what??NO!

"S-sir if your going to rape me. To be h-honest i have an a-awful body and my s-skin has full of p-pimples and a-acne so please l-leave me alone."

"Aww dont be such a kill joy i just want to taste you."

3rd persons view

As the man on the street carassed her cheeks. he started to remove sooyeon's blazer and started unbottoning her blouse as she was trying to loosen the strangers grip. An unknown man riding a motorbike came in

"Hey you! What are you tryig to do to that poor girl?! Cant you see she has no money?! Yet your still stealing from her?!."

He punched the rapist and kicked its stomach. causing him to cough blood."yah! You shouldn't do that to a girl that has no money!. Ugh i should call the police."

Sooyeons pov

"Uhm mister." *le pokes the mister who saved me* "uh erm thank you for saving me, i hope i could give you anything in return."

He slowly turns around and--

"Its you?!."

"Yeah its me so shut your mouth. You should be thankful because i saved you from that pervert."

"Well uh uhm erm yeah t-thanks anyway."

"Dont mention it. even though your my enemy. When a person is in danger i couldn't resist but help."

"Well i should go. My parents would probably go crazy looking for me."

"Need a ride? Its still dangerous out there you know."he offers

"Okay then. Thanks in advance oh and by the way my name is sooyeon, won sooyeon."

"Kim jongin. But i prefer kai."

"Okay then kai shall we go now."

"Oh hehe i almost forgot okay hop on." Its actually my first time riding on a motorbike. The engine started. As we rod through the streets. Its actually feels nice riding a motorbike. I can even feel the air touching my face as my hair is flowing with the air.

"Here we are."

"Thanks for saving me and also thanks for the ride." "And by the way what was the name of the cute and tall guy?."

"Cute huh."

"Omo please dont tell him!."

He chuckled"yeah yeah his name is chanyeol. He may be a bit bossy- okay i admit it he's too bossy."

We both giggled.


O_O d-did i just k-kiss his c-cheeks?!

"Aww hehe gotta go inside. Thanks for the ride! Bye!-- oops wait i forgot."


"Your still my enemy."

"I'll be counting on that sooyeon-ah~."

"Okay goodnight mr.enemy."

"Same to you ms.enemy."


So! How was this chapter? Well i know it sucks.. sorry im still 12 and what do you expect? I stink at this-_-

Sincerely author-nim


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