Chapter 4

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A/N: Okay….finally updating after a while.

Italics= Texting/messages

Kendall's POV

After a quick breakfast and a weird conversation with Trevor about soggy oatmeal, I ran upstairs and quickly dumped all my clothes out onto my bed so I could go through and choose some for Vidcon, which Sam told me was in two days, but I was too excited to wait!

I packed some tank tops and t-shirts, and also a few pairs of shorts and a pair of sweat pants. I left everything else out, deciding I'll pack it at last minute because the were small things.

I sat on my bed, grabbing my phone and unlocking it. I checked my messages and noticed Kian added me to a huge YouTuber group chat. And my notifications were going wild because they were all talking about Vidcon.

Hey, guys, speaking of Vidcon, Kendall is here in California now so she's coming! -Sam

Oh cool! I have always wanted to meet her! -Joey

I decided to reply to him because I've always wanted to meet him too. I mean come on, who wouldn't? Its Joey damn Graceffa!

I've always wanted to meet you too Joey!

:) How about we get coffee after today so we can get to know each other? -Joey

Ooohh Kendall's got a date ;) -Jack (thatsojack)

AWWWWWW! -Rebecca

This is a memorable moment! -Jack (thatsojack)

(A/N: Every Jack I use in this book for the first 6 chapters is going to be thatsojack. I'm introducing Jack Harries (JaksGap) in chapter 7)

Lol be quiet Jack. And sure Joey I'd love to!

Cool, pick you up in an hour? -Joey

I looked at the time. Right now it was 9.

Sure! See you later then!

Yepp! Byeee -Joey

I set my phone down on my nightstand and walked over to my now full closet. I grabbed a black, that had a silver heart on it, tight shirt that ended just above my belly button, with sleeves that went to my elbows. I grabbed my light wash high waisted shorts and my undergarments.

I walked to the bathroom, because I hadn't taken my shower yet, and turned the water on scalding hot. I scrubbed myself clean with strawberry body wash and washed my hair with vanilla conditioner and shampoo.

I got out and dried myself off. I sprayed my perfume and then put on my clothes.

I looked at the clock and noticed I had twenty minutes before Joey get here, so I grabbed my camera, putting the case on my wrist with the string, and started to vlog.

"Hey lovlies! So as you know I'm finally in California! Right now, Joey is going to come pick me up so we can go get coffee together! I'm so happy because I've always wanted to meet him,"

I talked about random things, and also told then about mine and Trevor's conversation about soggy oatmeal, which was really weird. Can't wait to see the comments about that.

I heard a quick little beep and looked out the window and saw Joey waiting in his car in the drive way.

"Okay well Joey's here so I gotta go! I'll try to talk to y'all later. Bye!" I turned my camera off and put it in the case tied to my wrist. I grabbed my wallet and house keys, in case the boys left while I was gone, and my iPhone.

I ran downstairs, running towards the door. I bumped into Connor and almost fell.

"Woah, what has you in a rush?" He asked as he steadied me by my arm.

"I'm going to get coffee with Joey," I said as I walked backwards to the door. An emotion flashed across his face and in his eyes but he shook his head and it was gone.

"Cool, have fun!" He said, giving me a little wave and walking upstairs.

I walked outside, seeing Joey sitting in his car on his phone. I knocked on the window a little, letting him know I was there and coming in.

"Hey," I said as I opened the door. I was hit with the smell of cologne he was wearing and leather.

"Hi!" He said brightly while flashing me a grin, "Oh, do you mind if we get something to eat after coffee? I'm super hungry,"

"Yeah, you're the one driving. Plus, I'm hungry too,"

We had a nice and quiet silence in the car after that. He would occasionally look over at me, saying nothing, just looking, and then I'd look over and he'd look away.

"What are you looking at?" I asked, a little self conscious, after the fifth time of this happening. What? You would be too if it was Joey Damn Graceffa, just staring at you for no apparent reason.

He chuckled, shaking his head and looking back at the road, "Nothing, its just you're really pretty,"

I felt my cheeks then pink at the compliment, "Thanks. You aren't so bad yourself, Mr. Graceffa,"

It was quit after that, and in a few minutes we finally arrived at Starbucks. We ordered our coffee and sat down at a table in the corner by the windows. (A/N: Omg I laughed so hard while writing this because I remembered in Trevor's video (10 Fads of 2013) the "peppermint winter butthole latte" part XD)

"So, you want to just ask each other questions?" I asked whim taking a sip of my Iced Caramel coffee.

"Yepp," He popped his lips on the 'p' while nodding.

"You can go first," I said.

So we went back and forth, asking questions like "What's it favorite colour/movie/book", etc.

I figured out Joey was actually a really nice and funny guy. I've watched his videos, but its different when you actually meet him in person.

About an hour later, we basically knew everything about each other.

"So where do you want to eat?" Asked Joey as he pulled out of the Starbucks driveway.

"It doesn't matter to me," I shrugged but on the inside I was really craving Taco Bell.

"We'll go to Taco Bell then,"

I started giggling, "That's what I wanted! Joey do you read minds?!"

He flipped his imaginary hair, "Yes, I am a magician and I can read your mind,"

We got to Taco Bell and ordered our food. After we ate Joey drove me home. It was only 12 though and I had nothing to do so I asked, "Hey Joey, wanna do a couple collab videos?"

"Well I haven't done a video in a sure!"

I was sort of excited and scored at the same time. Will his audience like me, or hate me? I don't want Joey to get hate comments on his video...but I guess we'll find out!

A/N: So this chapter...idek.


It was Friday when I wrote this it won't be when I upload it lol.

Oh and do you want me to make this a Joey/Kendall/Connor love triangle or just make them be friends and nothing else? They'd obviously be best friends, because Joey's my favorite youtuber and he just has to be apart of this story.

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