||Michael||~drown part 2

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A/N: Once again a slight trigger warning. Nothing too sad but yea. Love you all!

Ashton wasn't off much better. Him knowing what it's like to suffer from depression, should've known to try and talk to him and get him help in time. Before all of this shit happened. Of course he fucking blames himself. He should've been there for him, not fucking partying with some chicks that he'll never see again in his life. To say he was devastated was the understatement of the year.

While he was busy hating himself, Luke was busy taking it out on himself. The next morning, after the incident, he called one of the girls, met up, got shitfaced and went home with her to forget the pain. He didn't understand how he could be so dumb, not realizing that he had already gotten to the point where he would've needed help. But no, Luke wasn't there for his best friend. He wasn't there for him when he needed him the most. So the following days, he did the exact same thing, only different girls and clubs. This became his way of punishing himself. His way of self harming. He couldn't actually cut himself because of management and the fans, but he could do this. He could get wasted and throw away every moral he had about himself and his body and let himself get used by different girls, while using them to forget about it all.

When Michaels family found out what he did though, it felt like the world was crashing down on them. Michael being their only son, the world did stop for them. They felt all of the things that the boys did. They were so ashamed they didn't notice their baby fading away. They should've noticed even while he's on the other side of the world, they're his parents for fucks sake.

Don't even get me started on his fans. Of course every fan reacted in a different way. Some knew he was bad, just not that bad, some blamed themselves, some shut down completely and logged out of their social media to cry and scream into their pillows, and others just felt numb. But they all couldn't believe that their idol had those dark, dark thoughts about himself, and actually completed them. Even non-fans where shocked to say the least. Every hashtag was about the incident, wishing the fans, the band, his family and everyone involved condolences and expressing their sadness. Twitter was silent that day, besides that part of the fam, that just needed each other's words of wisdom and support through this hard times. It was a sad day for the world.

Of course, Michael had no idea what was going on around him, him lying unconscious in his too hard hospital bed. But it's not like he cared much about his bed. He was in a coma after all. He has no idea what his action has done to the world. No one blames him though, he is sick after all. No, they all blame themselves. So after everyone found out about him, they all immediately took the next flight to America and did their best to contain their sobbing on the flight there. Michaels mom didn't do such a great job at that though. When they all finally arrived, Karen just broke down in tears, seeing her only son, her baby, lying in a hospital bed, bruises on his head from the fall off of the bench. Other than that, he looked peaceful, like he's just taking a nap. A long nap. A nap he might never wake up from. This thought even brought Daryl to break down while holding his sons cold hand. He'd lost weight since he's last saw him. Overall, he just looked sick,drained and tired. Not like his usual self; always glowing, enlightening the room he's in, making everyone around him smile fondly at him when he's being a dork.

No one wanted to leave his side, in case he would wake up. After three days of him lying there motionless, their hope vanished more and more. Each passing day leaving them more powerless than the last. Because there was nothing anyone could do for him anymore at this point. Not even doctors. Now it's all on him and his body, deciding if he shall live, or say goodbye to the world, just like he wanted it all those months. They all took turns on visiting him, but his parents always had the privilege of being with him whenever they pleased, obviously.
So when his parents came in on day five, they obviously immediately made room for them and... Y/n. 
Y/N!!! We haven't seen you in ages'
Ashton said to a short brunette girl standing behind Karen and Daryl, having her arms around herself trying to hold herself together.

'Hey boys! I missed you guys so much'

'We missed you too! How's life back home without us?' Calum tries to laugh.

'Well, quite boring. You guys really changed everything there when you left all those years ago' she says sadly starring at the closed door to his room.

'He missed you a lot. Even if he would never say it out loud. He did' Ashton says, touching her arm lightly, trying to soothe her. 

'I missed him too' she said quietly trying to hold back the tears.

'Do you wanna see him?' Luke asked trying not to look at her shaking frame.
She just nods when the door to his room opens and his parents walk out to give those two some time alone.

A/N: There will definitely be at least one more part on this one shot!
ANDDDDDDD! I'm definitely gonna upload either the third (last??) part of this or another one but ATM I feel like no one really is interested in it so idk I'd be awesome if you could vote so I know if you want me to continue writing? Love you!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2016 ⏰

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