Why would my friend kill my teacher?

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Veronica at least I thought that she was a nice person, but obviously not.
Skip to school the next day
  I went to my second period class, History. Personally I thought that I the only Person in my grade to dislike my history teacher. Mr.Scott, he was very interesting. After  twenty minutes into his class I heard someone saying to me "Eliza see me after class."
"I have a very important question to ask you"
Skip to the end of the class
"Eliza"Mr.Scott said "What happened to your mother"
I asked myself how did he know what happened.
"Eliza didn't  Veronica do it"
"How do you know about that" I said. Next thing I know I see a person dressed in all black, with a ski mask on to cover it's face. Mr.Scott had the same Hello Kitty knife though his stomach. Veronica just killed my teacher.

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