After school we both headed to the packing lot to drive home. We had an English homework so we were heading to Tasha's house to do it together. There was an unfamiliar car near mine that I've never seen anywhere in the school before. I almost knew everyone's car but that one was completely new to me.
" Hey Tasha, do you know who's car is that? It's pretty sick" I asked her.
"No I've never seen it either. We should probably stick around and see whose it is."
" Let's just go home. We'll find out sooner or later. I'm tired and I wanna finish Miss Marie's assignment early." I suggested.
I got in the driver's seat while Tasha was still loading her stuff in the car.
" Hey, how're you?" I heard her talk to someone.
I didn't bother to look at whom she was talking to but I recognized a male voice. I was using the car's mirror to check my make up when I heard the guy mention my name that's when I decided to turn and look back. Crap... it was Jake.
" Is Alex with you?" He asked.
" Yeah. This is her car." Tasha replied.
" Oh really? Nice car. Please give this to her because I know she wouldn't even wanna see me." I saw him give Tasha a note.
" No. You should find a way to apologize to her and give her the note yourself."
" But even you know..." He started but I didn't hear the rest because my phone rang but by the time I was picked it up, it was a missed call.
"... but you know a first hand delivery is better." I heard Tasha say.
"Ok then at least tell her I'm really sorry and..." I immediately hooted and shouted,
" Hurry up Tasha. How long does it take to load your stuff?"
" Just a minute." She said and I heard her say to Jake, " Go talk to her now... go ahead." She insisted.
I saw him walk by and thought maybe I should shut my window but that would be rude.
" Hey Alex." He started.
I rolled my eyes and replied " What do you want?"
" I just wanted to say I'm really sorry and didn't mean to do it."
" Yeah right... I'm getting late and you're wasting my time. Just leave me alone." I said but inwardly felt like forgiving him.
" Please...I'm not leaving until you forgive me or at least take this." He said as he handed me the note he had earlier given Tasha.
" Ok then now're really making me run late." I said as I took it just to make him leave.
" Thanks for hearing me out... bye." He said.
" Whatever." I said as he left and I noticed that the 'unfamiliar car' was his.
We were heading out when Tasha said,
" Aren't you going to read it."
"Read what?" I said totally forgetting about the note.
" Duh, the note." She replied
" Hell no. I just took it to make him go away." I said.
"I'm going read it if you won't." She said
" You'll do no such thing." I said as I shoved the piece of paper in my jacket.
" Come on let me read it to you." She pleaded.
" Hell..." I said but she wouldn't let me finish.
" Pleeeeeeeeeeeeease..." She pleaded while blinking rapidly.
"Okay okay ... Take it before you start making faces." I gave in knowing how she is when she wants something.
" Thanks bestie..." She quickly jumped for immediately I took it out of my pocket.
I just rolled my eyes and continued driving.
"What does it say?" I asked when she was done.
She just looked at me smiling and said
"Here," I took it and put it back into my pocket.
We got to Tasha's house and I packed the car outside the gate as we got in. I took out the note while upstairs in her room when she had gone to get us some drinks. It said
Hey Alex,
I was told that you are a really nice person but I don't know why you hate me so much. I'm really sorry for Saturday and your lunch earlier today. I would have offered you mine but you walked away before I could. If only you could find it in your heart to forgive me. I promise I'm going to be careful next time. You can choose not to talk to me but at least please forgive me. I would have just sent you a text but I don't have your phone number. I'm really sorry and I mean it. I hope we can be friends someday.
He had also written his phone number in the letter. I just smiled and put it back into my pocket. I didn't notice Tasha at the door until she giggled.
" What's so funny?" I asked her as she got into the room.
" Nothing just that you were smiling while reading his note." She said
" Yeah right... as if I buy that." I can tell when Tasha is lying because she leaves a trace of a smile on her lips while talking.
" Okay... I was laughing at your skirt. The stain sort of looks like a bunny." She said now laughing
"And how is that supposed to be funny?" I asked her.
" Remember when you dressed like a bunny for Halloween then you..." She started.
" Don't even remind me of that" I said while joining her in her laughter. I didn't want her to say because it's so embarrassing and funny too.
I went back home after finishing the assignment and my mom was already home.

My first love
RomanceAlex is girl who has never had any love affair in her life. She is now a senior when she meets Jake, the boy she hated so much not knowing he would end up being her first love.