It was Sunday afternoon and I was going back to school tomorrow. Mom then came into my room while I was plying Just Dance 4 with Mike.
"Alex, you father just called and he needs me to go there now." she said.
"MOM! What am just starting school again tomorrow," I said surprised.
"I'm sorry baby, but I have to go, he said it's an emergency." she said.
"So what about Mike?" I asked.
"That's why you have to pack your stuff. You'll be staying at Jake's place. I'll be gone for two weeks at least." she said.
" What?" Mike and I both said.
"Sweethearts, I wish I wouldn't have to go but I have to, now start packing I don't have much time." she said and left the room.
I finished packing what I neede since I could still stop by to pick some other things later then went to help Mike. Mom then dropped us at Jake's house and then left. Great now I have to stay under the same roof with him for two weeks. Him coming to see me my house sometimes is something else but having to look at him every hour of the day is really different. Worst of all, Jake made sure he and I ended up in the same room. He talked Mike out of sharing the guest room with me.
The two weeks passed and he did nothing out of the ordinary to me which I thank God for.
'One more day.Yeeey' I said to myself but part of me didn't want to leave. I sort felt comfortable near him. Surprisingly? My mom and dad came back on that day and with good news. His contract had been approved and therefore they would be hosting a party the next day to celebrate his success. We left Jake's house and went back home. It was a Friday night, that's when there's my favourite T.V show. We had dinner like we usually do when we're all home.
The next day was the party day so we had a lot to do. We did all the preparations that needed to be done and then BIngo! It was time. A lot of people from dad's workplace came. I don't think I've ever asked him what he works on and if I did I probably forgot. Everyone who came was like, 'Oh Alex, I had about your operation. Thank Go you're okay now.' We chatted and all that till It became late so Jake and I took Mike to his room and put him to sleep then went to my room to watvh a movie since the 'grown ups' party was a little boring.
The next morning I woke and felt strong familiar arms around me when I turned it was Jake. This was the second time I slept with him unknowingly in my bed. I've actually never got a better chance to look at him sleeping. Damn! This guy is cute. I shuffled up his black hair which were really soft. His breathing stopped for a while but soon went back to the slow sleepy breaths. He has thick black eyebrows and black eyelashes, slightly pink lips and Aslightly thin nose. I could say he's cute over and over again because he really is cute. I don't know what got over me but I caught myself brushing my hand through his hair over and over again. I didn't notice I was doing so till he opened his eyes and smiled,
"Like what you see?" he asked.
" Uh oh. I didn't even notice I was doung that, sorry," I said and got my hands off his hair as quick as I could.
"No don't stop. I should have just continued pretending I was asleep, that felt really good." he said.
"WTF?? You were awake all this time?" I said feeling embarassed that he knew I was staring at him. I think I was even blushing really hard right now. I bit my lower lip and then looked away.
"You know you're such a good kisser and you're sort of tempting me with that," he said.
"What?" I asked and without answering, His lips were already on mine.
This time I pushed him off before he could go any further because I was afraid my mom or dad or even Mike would catch us. Not that it was a bad thing just that I would be really embarassed.
"What is it, you've never refused my kisses before." he said.
"Nothing..." I said. "I just..." I couldn't finish it because his lips were again on mine.
I couldn't do anything because he seems unstopable no matter what I will do so I gave in. We kissed for long because this time I let him break it which he didn't seem to soon so I did.
"Well that was good," he said.
I didn't reply so I just got of bed and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. When I got up I found Mike instead of Jake.
"Hey where's Jake?" I asked.
"He went downstairs." he said while toying around with my phone.
"Ok when did you come in?" I barely heard any noise.
"Just now, Hey, can you take me to the movies today?" he asked.
"What? So you can pour all the popcorn at me again?" I said jockingly.
"Come on Alex, pleeeese?" he pleaded.
"Ok fine," I said.

My first love
RomansAlex is girl who has never had any love affair in her life. She is now a senior when she meets Jake, the boy she hated so much not knowing he would end up being her first love.