Language Arts

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"Hello everyone," said Ms. Hanes, "we are changing the seating chart today."

I looked at Daniel and said, "She must've known you were coming."

"I sent her an email this morning," Daniel stated.

"Emailing teachers! That's creeeeeeepy and weirrrrrrd," I said jokingly to Daniel.

I sat down at my usual spot in class and watched Daniel stand up next to Ms. Hanes.

"Okay, Lucas I want you to move to Connor's seat. Daniel, I want you to move to Lucas' seat, right next to Elise the tall girl there. Connor, I want you to sit where Nick sits. Nick, I want you to sit where Cassidy sits and Cassidy I want you to sit where Stephany sits. Stephany, I just want you to move to that empty seat in the back over there."

"So, your identifier is the tall girl then," Daniel said acting like a smart ass.

"Apparently so. Oh by the way don't look now but I see girls staring at you," I whisper to him.

"There are probably admiring me and their competition," he whispered so smoothly and so soft that I'm not even sure if it was real. I was about to respond when Ms. Hanes started talking again.

"Okay, today we will be presenting our novel projects. Daniel you will not be presenting since you're new and have nothing to talk about. First up is Scarlett."

"Um, I have a PowerPoint so I need to hook it up to your computer," Scarlett said in a nasally voice.

When Scarlett went to hook up her flash drive there were technical difficulties so everyone was allowed to talk.

"What did you mean by 'competition'?" I asked Daniel, eager to hear his answer.

"Never mind, I was just kidding," he answered with a weird look that I couldn't figure out in his eyes.

After a few minutes of awkward silence Daniel said, "You look cute when you feel awkward."

"What's that supposed to mean!?" I exclaimed.

"It means that you remind me of a young child who's trying not to look at the cup she broke when her mother comes into the room."

"Awwwwww, you remind me of a younger Andy with a little but of Ashley," I said back to him.

"Tank yooouuuu," he said in a baby voice and he smiled like an idiot.

I couldn't help but notice his perfect dimples.

"Okay, everyone be quiet. Scarlett is about to start," said Ms. Hanes."My novel is . . ." Scarlett said as she have her presentation. I stopped listening and kept whispering to Daniel.

"Why is Ms. Hanes wearing leggings with flowers on them," Daniel whispered to me with a look of horror on his face.

"She's trying to stay young," I whisper back.

"Well she shouldn't, this is the first time I don't want to see a girl in leggings," Daniel said with mock horror and, to make it even more exaggerated, he shielded his eyes.

"Oh, shut up," I said punching him in the arm, "Ms. Hanes is awesome, she always tells amazing stories that take up half of the class period."

"Ouch, I will destroy you for that," Daniel said a little too loud and the whole class looked at us.

"Daniel and Elise one of your peers are presenting and you will show them respect," Ms. Hanes said.

Soon everyone turned around and I watched one person who watched Daniel and I longer than the rest of the class.


Kelcie is the most popular girl in school and she has always been rude and mean to me. I don't know what I ever did to her. Maybe she is jealous or something? I just don't know.

Kelcie gave Daniel and I one last glare before turning and whispering something to one of her pets. Soon her pet whispered to another peer and then another and another and so on. Soon Daniel noticed all the whispering and glances and he whispered to me.

"What are they looking at?"

"Us," I state simply.

"Well I know that. What I meant was why?"

"I really don't know. Kelcie likes to make shit up in her head and spread rumors."

"Who is Kelcie?"

"That girl over there with the dyed blonde hair that is clearly fading and the led lipstick."

"She looks like a $10 whore," Daniel stated as if it were a pure fact, which it was. I found his comment so funny that I actually snorted.

Soon all the whispering came to the person sitting next to Daniel and he just couldn't resist asking.

"What is everyone whispering about?" Daniel asked the kid.

"You and Elise. I can't believe you haven't even been here for an hour and you already have a girlfriend. Nice dude," the kid said as he clasped Daniel's shoulder.

"Who am I dating?" Daniel asked, dumbfounded.

"Elise," said the kid.

"Oh right," Daniel said as he put his arm around my shoulders. Then he said, "Love you, Boo," mocking the rumor.

"Excuse me?!" I said with wide eyes.

"Just play along," he whispered so that I was the only one who could hear him.

"Why????" I said, sounding like a child who had just been told they couldn't have a cookie even though they'd eaten all their vegetables.

"Because I have a plan," he whisper as he started to stand up.

"Ladies and gentlemen I have the grandest of announcements. I would like to announce that Elise," he said pointing to me, "and I are now dating and that I love her with all my heart," Daniel said with a bold voice.

"Awwwwwww, thanks babe," I said in a fake Kelcie voice that everyone understood as an insult to Kelcie."

"Daniel and Elise get out of my classroom!" yelled Ms. Hanes.

As Daniel and I were walking out I saw Kelcie glaring at me so I flashed her a nice, sweet smile before giggling and walking out.

"You did great," Daniel said as he hugged me and kissed me on the cheek.

"Thanks," I said as I felt my cheeks begin to flame.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2014 ⏰

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