The Outcast (A Black Veil Brides Fan Fiction)

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I'm walking down the hallways at school when all of a sudden Andy Biersack comes running up to me. He tells me to never give in to my depressed thoughts and that I am a beau----

*beep beep beep* Grrrrrrrrrrr my alarm clock again. When I got out if bed and walked into the bathroom I felt like I was walking in one, big, hazy dream. I quickly washed my face and put in my contacts before I took a good look at myself. I am Elise, I have blonde hair, blue eyes, pale skin, and a tall, skinny frame. I'm may not be the prettiest girl in the world but, judging from the way guys look at me, I'm not the ugliest. When I was done looking at myself I quickly ran into my room.

When I was in my room I put on some mascara and foundation in record time. Then it was time for the hardest and most important decision of the day. My outfit. I could either wear my Black Veil Brides tank top with my black shorts or my Black Veil Brides t-shirt with black skinny jeans. I ended up choosing the t-shirt with the skinny jeans and chose to straighten my hair.

Eating breakfast, brushing my teeth, and getting my backpack ready went by in a blur. It was 7:40am and I had to leave in 5 minutes so I slipped on my combat boots and got the house ready.

The air hit my skin like a brick. The cold air felt thick and I swear I could feel ice forming on my arms. I grabbed my iPod, put in my amazing earbuds (they are sharks), and turned on Black Veil Brides. As I was walking I noticed a giant bus out of the corner of my eye. When I turned to see what it was I was awestricken.

Black Veil Brides was plastered on the side of the bus and I realized it was their tour bus. Black Veil Brides was the only thing going through my head when . . . . the bus stopped right in front of me!

"Hey," the lead singer Andy Biersack said leaning out of the bus, "Want a ride?"

I just stared at him for a while before I finally shook my head yes. Andy helped climb into the bus and introduced me to the whole band or even better my heroes.

"Sooooo," Andy said, "This is Ashley, Jake, Jinxx, and CC."

I could only muster a timid , "Hi," in response and all the guys smiled at me.

"Well, based on what your shirt says, you probably already know who we are but I have one question. What's your name?"

"Oh, I'm Elise. Thank you for picking me up and making the music that you do but I have to get to school."

"Oh, of course. I forgot that it was Tuesday sorry," Andy replied. "What school do you go to?"

"I'm an eighth grader at Fountain Springs Middle School."

"Oh shit! I forgot to introduce you to my second cousin, Daniel. Today is actually his first day. I wonder where he went."


"There he is!" CC said and hugged Daniel.

"Daniel this is Elise. You both go to the same school and are in the same grade so it looks like you have a potential friend," Andy said.

"Oh hey Elise," Daniel said while looking me in the eye.

"Hey, did the office tell you your schedule?" I asked.

"Yeah, my first period is Language Art with Ms. Hanes. Then, I have Science with Mr. Fay. Next, I go to Art with Mrs. Jade and my fourth period class is P.E. with Ms. Kassikl. I have fourth lunch and my fifth period is Social Studies with Mr. Roberts. Finally, I end the day in Math with Mr. King."

"Woah. That's my exact schedule. Right now I seriously hope your not a stalker."

"Trust me I'm not. Ask anyone and they won't say I'm not because the last person I stalked disappeared," he said while laughing and smiling.

"Okay. Andy! Has Daniel ever stalked anyo------"

"Sorry to interrupt you two love tweeties but we're at your school and you guys have to get out," said Andy while smiling.

"First we are not love tweeties and second what is a love tweetie," I said.

"It's a love bird that I made up and get out of the bus," Andy said.

"Okay. Okay I'll get out of the bus," Daniel and I both said at the same time.

After Daniel and I got out of bus and were walking toward the crosswalk Andy yelled from the bus.

"He's probably a stalker because I saw him kissing your picture last week!" Andy yelled.

When I heard that I was cracking up so hard that my cheeks hurt.

"Well I feel like I am now obligated to introduce you to my friends so that you know where to find other people," I said to Daniel.

"Okay. I don't understand what you really mean but yeah. Okay," he said with a fake look of sacredness.

Once we got onto the campus and started walking and talking I realized how amazing Daniel is. He has pale skin, blue eyes, black hair, he's tall, he has a great sense of humor, and likes the same bands as me. We are going to make great friends.

"Is that one of your friends?" Daniel asked while pointing to my friend Olivia.

"Yeah, how did you know?"

"She's been staring at us and hiding behind things."

"Yup. That's Olivia."

"Olivia come here!" I yelled at her.

Olivia ran over to me with our friends Kayla and Jenna.

"Hey Elly, I didn't even see you," she said trying to sound innocent.

"Yeah, that's why you were hiding."

"Yup. So who's your friend?" Olivia asked staring at Daniel, trying to scare him.

"This is Daniel. Andy Biersack's second cousin," I said.

"Sweet," Olivia, Jenna, and Kayla said at the same time.

"Daniel, don't let them scare you. They will try to scare you and make you feel uncomfortable but that's only because they want to embarrass me," I told him.

"Okay, thanks for telling me," he replied.

The next ten minutes went by too fast. We all talked, shared jokes, and made fun of each other. I've only known Daniel for a half hour and he's already become one of my best friends. Olivia, Jenna, and Kayla seemed to accept Daniel very well and they thought of him as friends too.

*ring ring*

"Crap, time for P.E." Kayla said and walked to her first period class.

"Bye guys. I'll talk to you after school," I said to Olivia and Jenna.

"You and Olivia look like you could be sisters," Daniel said as we headed to Language Arts.

"I guess but that's only because we both have pale skin, blonde hair, we're tall, and we are skinny."

"That and you both act the same."

"That's because we are the same person," I said jokingly.

Daniel chuckled and we walked into Language Arts.

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