p a c i f y h e r (phils pov)

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Uh So Like There Is I Guess Triggers In This Story lolll
Dan and Brie were perfect
They fit into eachother
they belong together --
pacify her.

Philly calm down,not like Dan is gonna notice you.
I wake up,i couldn't breathe.They're back.The voices
I can hear Dan and Brie playing MarioKart ..Just like we did long ago
I couldn't stand brie
I cant stand her wining --
She's taking Dan,my bestfiend.The person I want to love me..Away from me.
I get calm alittle now,I do the usual.I get up,take a shower,get dressed,maybe record a video..Eat.Yeah,been doing that for 2 months.But let me tell you something.
Ive been doing everything without Dan.
Dan and Brie are so attached!..I HOPE BRIE DI--
phil phil phil phil calm calm calm down down down down
Shes getting on my nerves
Where did my vision go?Oh wait Phil,you're crying.
What a crybaby.

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