Untitled Part 4

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The time finally came where it was time to go to school, I did my makeup and threw on some clothes and Alicia and I drove on our way. We decided to take one car because she was coming over anyways to stay over, so it would be pointless to take both cars. She didn't want to drive, so we took my car.

"Did you study last night?" Alicia asks.

"I did, a lot but I'm worried since I did't sleep at all."

"You can copy my answers, well not all, but most. We don't want our answers being exactly the same. We'd definitely get caught."

"Thanks girl. I'll try my best before I copy off of yours though."

"That's fine."

"Do I look okay?" I glance in the front mirror at myself then look at Alicia.

"Bre, you have never looked bad, I mean you looked bad when you weighed less, but you look way better." Alicia smiles.

"What about me?" Alicia flips down the mirror and checks her makeup and fluffs her hair.

"BITCH! Yes! You always look sexy, like...Hi how are you doin" I wink as we continue to laugh.

"And I dont look fa-"

"Don't even say the F word. I will slap you and I will turn this car around."

"FAT! now turn around so we don't have to take this final and nap." Alicia laughs.

"Why turn around when were like five minutes away?"

"good point. Besides, my mom will kill me if I fail anything."

"Well, that's never going to happen since you're like a 4.0 student."

"3.8 correction." Alicia smiles.

"Shut up." I glare.

When we finally arrived, Alicia and I headed to professor Tomas's class and Alicia and I were both anxious as ever and all we wanted to was run. I knew Alicia was fine, as for me, well...I tend to loose though when I take tests, no matter how much I study, I've always had that problem since high school. I was praying to the mighty gods himself that I at least get a C if anything, just so I pass. 
As Alicia and I continued, we both walked slow to save time, and because we had 10 minutes. 

"Bre, I'm really scared."

"Don't be, Tommas is an understanding teacher, I bet he would let us both edit our tests if we mess up or fail, he always gives us an opportunity on every test." I smile.

"Bre. This is a final, I really doubt it. I'm just nervous because this is our first final so far, I just don't want to fail."

"Alicia, I grab her shoulders. Your're going to be fine, I bet I can talk to him when we get inside his class. If that will help our case."

"Would you?" 

"Absolutely! He really likes me."

"Okay I trust you."

"Well you're supposed to, I'm your best friend." I laugh.

As we got into the classroom Alicia and I took our seats and sat their, letting our anxiety get the best of us, we waited for Tommas to announce that we are about to start the test.

"Good evening ladies and sirs, I've decided to post-pone the test for 3 weeks, because I realize that a lot of you didn't study, so out of kindness, I'm giving you more time, just don't take advantage of my kindness people." Tommas announces in front of the class.

Alicia and I both look at each other and smile as we do a little dance.

"I can see that you two are happy." Tommas walks in front of us.

"Oh you have no idea, I studied a lot but didn't sleep at all and Alicia was just nervous and though she was going to fail, which she wasn't but shes paranoid." I laugh.

"Yeah I'm still right here." Alicia responds.

"Well, I guess its your girls lucky day." Tommas smiles.

"We aren't doing anything today class except watch an animal documentary on human and animal reproduction, takes some notes and hand them in at the end of the day." Tommas walks back to his chair as he shouts to the class.

"Dude, I'm so relieved." Alicia whispers as the documentary starts.

"Same! Now can actually sleep." I sigh

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