Singing and Snow

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"WAKE UUPPP!!!" Hunter sing-songed into my ear. I woke up with a start.

"Hunter!!" I whined, burying myself under the covers more, only earning me having Hunter yank it off the bed.

"(Y/n)!! IT'S SNOWING!!"

"Hunter, you're acting like you've never seen snow before!" I laughed as he rushes to the window and gazed out like he was a little kid.

"C'mon! We're going outside!" he pulled me out of bed.

"I'm not even dressed!" I protested as he practically dragged me out of our room, but finally swung me up into his arms.

"It doesn't matter." he gave me a little kiss on the forehead. "Put on your coat, I'm taking you someplace special."

"Where?!" I demanded. "Where are we going?!" I pulled on my coat an hat, slipping on my boots. He grinned, and yanked me out the door.


Soon we pulled up to a little corner coffee shop, it was cute, but didn't look special enough to show up to in pajamas. I quickly walked inside to escape the cold air nipping at my skin and the smell of coffee grounds flowed out. Hunter and I took a seat at a table in the back, and a barista took our order. I ordered a peppermint hot chocolate an he got a pumpkin spice latte.

"So what's so special about here?" I asked when the barista had left. "Are you turning hipster on me?" he giggled. "There's just really good coffee here." he confirmed. "Im going to use the bathroom." he quickly got up and left, leaving me at the table alone. Five minutes later and still no Hunter, the lady had given me the drinks already. I sighed getting bored, playing around with my mini red stirring straw. Then suddenly, a voice came on the speakers.

"Please welcome, Hunter Hayes!" my head whipped up at the mention of his name and through I door I hadn't noticed, came out Hunter onto a stage I hadn't noticed either. He waved out at everyone and walked up to the mic.

"Hi everybody!" he chirped. "I would just like to sing. A song. To a special girl there in the back." he gestured towards me and everyone looked. I couldn't help but blush. There was a quiet applause and Hunter sat down at the piano. The first notes were played and I immediately recognized the song. It was Wanted.

"You know I'd fall apart with out you. I don't know how you do what you do. Cause everything that don't make sense about me, makes sense when I'm with you. Like everything that's green girl I need you. But it's more than one and one makes two. Put aside the math and the logic, of it. You gotta know you're wanted, too."

By now I was awe struck. He was singing wanted! To me! I almost felt like crying with happiness.

"Cause I wanna wrap, you up. Wanna kiss you're lips I, wanna make you feel wanted. Cause I wanna call you mine wanna hold you're hand forever and never let you forget. That you're, wanted." Hunter sang the rest of the song and everyone in the shop broke into awes, giving him a standing ovation. Hunter jumped off the stage and ran towards me swinging me around into a hug.

"I love you Hunter." I whispered into his ear. He squeezed me a little tighter.

"I love you too (y/n)."


I'm thinking about writing a fanfic, although I have NO idea what it'll be about!! XD

Thanks for reading lovelies!!

Instagram- @thenameis_hayes


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