Chapter Three: Colorful Faces

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A few laughs and random thoughts later, you and Nepeta had already made it back to the Captor's residence.

"[Nickname], I have the most pawsitively amazing idea ever!" Nepeta said, looking at you with bright olive eyes and hands full of coloring utensils.

"You do, do you? Well, what is it?" You asked, trying to balance out the things you were currently carrying.

"Why don't we add an actual purricture to the card as well? And maybe we can attempt to make Karkitty smile!"

Said troll had heard this remark, and his reaction made it only worse. "AW HELL NO. NO WAY WILL I DO THAT. I DO A LOT OF THINGS, BUT SMILING FOR JUST A GOG DAMN PICTURE ISN'T ONE OF THEM."

You frowned. "Karkat, this is for a friend. Who knows? Maybe she'll stop wanting to be friends with you afterwards."

Karkat just glared at you. "...FINE, BUT I STILL FUCKING WON'T DO IT AGAIN."

"There, it'th finally fucking settled."

---------- (ouo) ---------

Days had passed since then, and when Cori had finally gotten the card, she was a bit better, but not much. 

When you knocked on the door, you were surprised at what you saw on the inside. But you also understood why Nepeta left earlier than what you agreed to.

The walls, of the apartment were freaking painted. You were pretty sure that her roomate would not approve, but she wasn't there at the moment, so who cares? The colors were of the hemospectrum, and all of the trolls were drawn in their blood color, even their dancestors. Excluding Karkat, of course.

"Holy fuck. My eyes hurt looking at this."

Cori and Nepeta smiled, and you were pretty sure that anybody would have melted at the cuteness. "Welcome, [Name]!" They said stimulatuously.

"HOLY SHIT MY EYES HURT." A voice said. Behind you.

What-the-hell mode activated.

You screamed, falling forward, and nearly landing on a crayon nearby. When you sat back up, you saw a surprised Karkat and Poker-faced Sollux.

Karkat leaned down on one knee. Extending one arm to you. "GET UP, NOOKSUCKER."

You gladly took his arm, but blushed at the contact. For a second there, you swore you saw him do the same thing as well.

Sollux coughed. "Guyth, I don't know if you realized, but the door is still wide open, and Karkat is practically on top of you, [Name]."

"It could also make pedestrians think you're in a relationship."

"...I have some new pawsitively amazing ships now!"

You blushed. When you looked towards Karkat however, his eyes were obscured by his hair, so you couldn't have a guess of what he was feeling like or what his facial expression was.




He stood up abruptly, rushing and making his way to the apartment's bathroom, not caring if he made quite the impression and scene.

You heard a sigh coming from behind you, and turned around to see a stressed looking Cori and also Poker-faced Nepeta.

That is, until Cori got up. She pulled out her pipe from her strife deck, and headed over to the bathroom. You got up and followed her, not wanting anything bad to happen.

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