The Letter

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      How could he do this to me? Why would he write back to me for months and then just out of nowhere stop? Does he know it hurts to know he doesn't care, or that now I'm back to old times?  I guess it's better if I just forgot about him, like he did to me... I can't do that I mean just because I hate him for doing what he did, I can't just stop loving him and his music and beautiful eyes and nice hair and.-- Lucy stop.


"Lucy you got a letter from somebody, come down of you don't want me to read it."  My sister Caren said. "Caren if you read that letter I might have to hurt you." 

Even though I didn't know who it was from I still went down and gt it before she opened it. 

At the top of envelope said "To Lucy, From L." The bottom said "If you are not Lucy don't read this you won't understand even if you were there at the moment."  What does this mean? 

"Caren who's L and why did you give this to me knowing I wouldn't know who it was from?" I simply asked her. "I don't know, I mean it wouldn't be rude to open it to see who it was really from right? It pretty much said don't open unless you are Lucy, so being nice I didn't open it." 

I opened the letter.

"Hi Lucy, it was a nice time when you were here, I saw your wrists but didn't want to say anything because I knew you were happy. I wanted to write to you because I know what you went through or are still going through and I wanted to help you in any way I could. Why do you cut in the first place? I mean if you don't want to tell me over writing I could find a time when we are close (in the same city) and could meet up so you could tell me. The boys and I are coming back home in a couple of weeks we all miss you. I need to see you again, please write back so we could meet up or just so we could talk about anything really.

Love, Luke Hemmings"

End of Flashback

   I remember that day like it was just a day ago, I was so happy to know that he actually remembered me. We kept writing for a couple of months, but then what I don't understand is why he stopped writing.  

     When he got back home we hung out a couple times. Once or twice I went to his house to see the boys and play c.o.d and fifa. I knew I was good at both games but I guess I was better than I thought because I beat Michael almost every time I tried. 

    I miss the boys. I used to write to Luke because we thought it was more classy and fun. The boys and I just used to text but that all stopped right after Luke stopped writing. Just thinking about all of this made me sad because I know I didn't do anything to them to make them stop. Maybe they thought I was annoying and wasn't worth talking to.

  The voices were coming back. I could feel them but I knew if I told somebody they would come back worse than ever. I think it's because I've been telling myself all these things this whole time and I get self-conscious and think everybody is lying to me, I'm not sure if that's true though. Is it safe to tell somebody? I hope so because I can't hold it in forever. 

     I'll just tell Liz and Josh(My best friends) when they comes over today.  There is only one thing I never told them about and that's the whole Luke never writing back and them pretty much forgetting about me. I mean I didn't totally lie about it, I told her how I met them and they were so nice and all that junk.


"Caren, Josh is taking me to the concert and he'll be back to bring you food, watch you and all that in about 1 hour" I pretty much yelled to her running out the door because I couldn't wait to see them. Did I mention in FRONT ROW? "You know Lucy I don't need babysitting right? I am 14. I can take care of myself" She yelled back at me in a not so nice tone because she hates being treated like a child, but ever since mum died she hasn't really been herself. 

I'm skipping like a little girl to the car and being my clumsy self I fell right in front of the car. "Niceeeeee, Lucy I mean I didn't know you hated them that much that you had to make yourself go to the hospital. haha" Josh yelled jokingly to my out the window. At the I jumped up and said I was okay, I mean I think I hurt my ankle but that's not what matters.

     *At the Venue*

I'm guessing Josh left because he isn't with me anymore. I took my seat and grabbed my phone out of my pocket to check Twitter and update saying where I am. In minutes people started commenting saying how lucky I am and for me to take a picture of the boys to give to them. I laughed and I greeted the person I will be next to, she looked nice and just smiled. I'm guessing she's shy. 

Michael peeked his head out the curtain and almost all of us screamed and then before our eyes the other boys came up from the foot of the stage and started playing "Try Hard."

They started playing "Green Light" and that was their last song before the meet and greet started for the V.I.P's (me and some other people). Being me I was the first one to walk into the room and gave the boys a hug even though they were swaety and gross but whatever they are still hot. Duh! The other girls came in and the boys were greeting more people and were talking about how if it weren't for us, they wouldn't be here right now. I started tearing up and Luke came over and ave me a hug because he saw me and then he said "It's okay I know" and I got confused but let it go. He gave me his phone as a way to tell me to put my number in his phone beofre any of the girls started asking for pictures and stuff. I put it in and when he got it back he called me to see if it was true and of course it was. 

The other boys came over and were talking to me and  I was laughing and having a good time and before I knew it the meet and greet was over and I had to go.

Josh picked me up and we left and Caren was sleeping when I got home. Luke texted me and I was surprised that he did and he suggested we should write because it's classy and from tht point on we were writing to each other non-stop. (Well until he stopped a couple months later.

End of flashback


Well guys or to anybody who is reading this. Thank you for reading and this is my first fan fiction well first book in anything so it probably won't be that good. I started writing one but I thought it was bad so I deleted it. Tell me in the comments if I should keep writing or what you think is gonna happen next or if you like it. Thank you again.

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