Chapter 5

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I was speechless. Her eyes were closed again probably because of the light. I got up from the chair and ran outside the door to find a nurse or a doctor.

"Doctor! Nurse!" I was screaming like a maniac at the hallway and the pack members look at me as if i was crazy.

I saw a nurse and grabbed her and literally dragged her to my mate's room. "What is it alpha?" She asked worriedly. "It's my mate. She can't remember me". She looked at me for a second before laughing. LAUGHING!!! I just looked at her wondering if she's an alien or a lunatic. "Oh alpha *laughs*". She opened the door to find my mate sitting up on the bed.

"Hi tiffany" my mate beams. "Kris you really got to stop pretending that you don't remember anything everytime you wake up in the hospital." Tiffany laughed. "What?!?!?!" I shouted. "Alpha she didn't really lost her memory she's just like that everytime she wakes up here. The first she did we all panicked because we thought she really lost her memory but a few seconds she bursted out laughing so she did it everytime she wakes up here." She said while laughing.

I felt relieved that my mate did'nt lose her memory. Kris was laughing along with tiffany until she saw me. Her eyes flashed with fear and she whimpered.

I felt hurt that she was afraid of me but i understand.

The nurse noticed and left the room. I slowly walked to her bed.

" Baby...." i started as i raised my hand to cup her cheeks. She flinched but i placed my hand on her cheek. "I am so so so so sorry for all the pain that i've caused you. I was just caught in the moment because i thought that it was really your fault that you parents died but then i realized that it was'nt really your fault and i'm so so sorry and i hope you forgive me." I begged her.

" I-i-i don't-t-t-t k-k-kn-now-w-w" she stuttered.

"Baby please i promise i would never ever hurt you again i will love you and protect you like a mate should i promise just give me a chance please" i begged.

She stared at me for a couple of seconds, trying to figure me out. Then finally after what seemed like hours she replied a very quiet okay. I was so happy i was hugged her.

I will not break my promise and prove to my mate that i will be the food mate she deserves.

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