Secret Informant

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It was a hard task to convince her for making her go with him. In the middle of journey she requested him to halt at Kolkata and will start from next day.

Rd: but why
S: sir I need to collect my school certificate from there
Rd: oh,then we can stop there

Sanyu gave the directions to cab driver and they were in front of her school. Rd stayed back in the cab and she went inside. The principal recognized her and she informed her another shocking news,that she cleared the entrance exam and merits are for sure. Sanyu just smiled sadly and took her certificate and left.

The car journey was silent and rd broke as it was time for lunch and he is hungry. They went to a restaurant and placed the orders.
Rd: i didn't know you were educated
S: there's nothing to tell and then she looked at the surroundings.

A man's figure caught her attention and she started trembling with fear. Rd was just clueless and his mind mumbled she is a mystery. Sanyu looked at rd and asked to cancel the order and they need to leave soon. Rd thought to pack the food and asked her wait for him near the car.

He came to her ,numerous thoughts were running around his mind. They settled in the car and he opened the food and he offered her too. She rejected with the lame excuse of not being hungry and looked out through the window.

Later they reached airport and rd informed her that they'll spend few hours because they have an early flight.
S: sir i never travelled in aircraft
Rd: now you can
S: akdu .whole journey sanyu clutched rd's arm with eyes closed.

They reached Mumbai and soon at the door step of his house and pressed the bell. Feroz was again perplexed by seeing sanyu with rd again.
Rd: so this is chachu and only we both live here,you are new addition
Sanyu nods her head.
Rd: you can't live here for free so ...
S: I knew it . All men looks only their benefit
Rd: I don't like anyone cutting in  middle when i talk. Where was I ha so you need to take care of the house,cook for us and ...for time being these are enough. He went from there to his room.

Sanyu was shown the guest room . She came running to the hall hearing rd calling for her.
Rd: I have office ,go and make the breakfast ready for me ,chachu
S: what about me
Rd: I don't know you were on hunger strike yesterday. As we lived our half of the life abroad didn't get a chance to eat Indian so go and make some Indian dish

She went to kitchen and preapred poha and served them with tea. They were happy with the food and rd went to his work.

Sanyu was busy dusting that a voice startled her. And she was trembling with fear,it was Feroz and got to know her discomfort and maintained a distance.
F: don't take rd's words in heart,he has lost his family from then he is like this and goes from there.
Sanyu gets her breaths normal and continue her work. Rd was back and he looks for her without seeing her she screams again. She reach the spot to see the furious version.
Rd: when I'm back i want to see you with a glass of water
Sanyu runs to kitchen and hand him the glass and was about to go from there. But he stops her saying that he needs her in the study now.

Sanyu tip toed to the study of his to see a huge collection of books and her eyes twinkled.
Rd: sit
S: she sees a notepad and pen placed at the desk. Sir why these
Rd: you were the topper so you might know the use too
S: but
Rd: know I'm a poor businesses man with few millions,my real hobby is to write. I got a new idea for a detective story,so I'll dictate and you write it down. Office and writing i can't manage together
S; got it many books you published
Rd: why are you interrogating me as a police officer .lets start,this will be in a form of letter and he gave the contents.

She wrote it and asked to keep her door open for him and she leaves from there. After her disappearance he smirks seeing the letter. Sanyukta you are a blessing in disguise for me,first you will give me a heir and next help me in my revenge plan.

Rd comes to her room to see the pillow border and place himself in one side and gestures her to carasses his hair.
Rd: why you were afraid in hotel and ran from there
S: i saw my mama
Rd: strange hiding from your own mama
S: yes and I don't want to discuss more

The night ends. The letter travelled and reached the hands of ACP Aryan. He opened the letter with disinterest,by the end he had a victory smile. The contents of the laetter was
I don't want to introduce myself but I will be a loyal informant. Sir from the information i give you ,you will be promoted to higher rank.

Sir reopen the case of Mr Harsh Singhaniya there's lots of mystery in that. And benefits will be yours. I'll give you solid proofs as soon as the news of reopening of the case is heard. Till then bye from me.

Other hand rd knew his plan to take revenge on his mom and clerk is going in correct direction. And the writing drama was just to fool sanyu and make her write so that the handwriting can't never be recognized.

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