Chapter Seventeen, Meeting the father

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Chapter Seventeen, Meeting the Father

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Chapter Seventeen, Meeting the Father

For three days and nights with no rest what remained of the company chased after the Urukais that taken two of their friends captive. It was late evening when they realised the Urkus were heading to Isengard and Saruman was the cause. "Lassie are you alright?" Gimli asked when Evelina froze where she stood her face drained of all colour. In the quietness that surrounded them the others heard and immediately rushed over to Evelina. "Meleth-nîn, are you alright?" Aragorn and Legolas asked worriedly.

"Legolas did you say Isengard?" Evelina asked quickly sharing a worried look with Neville and Luna before her face became firm and angry a look that matched Neville's own. Seeing the looks the three shared the four men were left confused at what had caused them such distress. "What's the matter?" Boromir asked who'd been rather quiet as they chased after the Uruks.

He received no answer instead Luna spoke to her brother and sister. "Gwathel, Gwador calm down! Eve getting yourself worked to like this will not help you or my nieces or nephews." Luna said firmly no sign of her usual airiness in her voice.

"Gwathel, she's come to kill us!" Neville said shortly. "She nearly got Andy and Teddy. She's torn mine and Eve's family apart as well as countless others, she's tortured you and Eve and I'll not let her do so again while I still draw breath." Neville swore.

"What is going on?" Legolas asked confused why the three were worried and angry and why Eve was close to snarling. "Bellatrix Lestrange one of the darkest and deranged witches you'll find is hellbent on killing us though mainly me. She tried to kill my dad, her own cousin. She's the reason I have this," Evelina told them as she rolled up her sleeve showing them the cursed words carved into her forearm, 'Freak and Dirty Blood' and taking away the glamour on her throat that covered the scar there. "It was her who did this to you?!" Aragorn asked angrily gripping the hilt of his sword tightly.

"You knew?" Legolas accused whirling around to face his friend.

"Of course I didn't I saw them when I first met her and Neville when I questioned why they were out by themselves. Is she here then?" He asked the three of them.

"Yes Grandmother warned us. Bellatrix has joined Saruman." Luna told them solemnly.

"We've wasted enough time we need to hurry." Evelina said hastily changing the subject as she started running the others behind her.


"A red sun rises. Blood has been spilled this night." Legolas said solemnly looking from the sun to his friends and family. They heard hundreds of hooves pounding the ground behind them and quickly dove for cover only to find out it was Riders of Rohan. "Riders of Rohan what news from the mark?!" Aragorn shouted only for the riders to turn around and surround them. "What business does three men, two elves, a dwarf and Kitsune have in the Riddermark? Speak quickly!" A blonde man snapped riding forward. As he came closer he noticed Evelina's slight pregnant belly and the scar along her neck and immediately jumped to conclusions. "You're with child! And these barbarians have hurt you!" He cried outraged.

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