A bit worried

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   France awakened to a loud door being swung open. He was dozing off, but when he looked up to see who made the loud sound, a wide eyed Alfred stared at France.

Alfred was top naked showing his lean, tan muscle. He had a fuzzy towel on his shoulder and a water bottle in his right hand. He was covered in little droplets of water, but most of all, he was breathing hard. He sounds as if he's been drowning, and he looks like he could drop any minute. He also quickly tried covering his stomach with his water bottle and towel in instinct.

"France?!" America said in question and fear. "What are you doing here..?" America analyzed France in his well dressed suit. "It doesn't look like you've been working out."

   "Oh..uh.." France hesitated. "What are you doing here? It's 12:30 a.m Alfred!" He said as he looked at his watch.

   "Oh..it is?" Alfred said in surprise.

   You could see the bundle of excitement and his eyes light up when he heard he's been working out for more than 12 hours. He smiled, but looked back at France.

"You still haven't told me why you're here.." Alfred said nervously.

But before France opened his mouth, a loud growl came from America's stomach. Alfred blushed and held his stomach.

   "Huh? What's this?" France made a stupid face.

   "I guess I'm a bit hungry... I'll be going then!" America attempted so escape but felt someone grab his wrist. "Uh..France?"

   "Alfred." France suddenly changed his tone. "You've been acting different, and we're your family. Is anything wrong...?" France looked at America's eyes with complete seriousness.

   "Haha! Of course not!" America nervously tried to speak.

   "Hmm...are you hungry?" France returned to his foolish personality. "I can take you to McDonalds!"

   "No, I'm good! It's late so I'll be going." America took a few steps back.

   "Huh? Are you sure??" France whined. "Are you really ok?"

   "Dude! I said I'm fine!" America walked at a fast pace towards the door. "I'm way too fat for that anyways.." America's face made a small change as he walked out the door.

   France stared at the door while he was still on the carpet ground.

   "Huh??" France whined.


   America quickly ran to his house fast as he could. He didn't want to worry anyone, and he just did.

Oh..and my stuff.. America remembered he left his clothes in the gym locker.

"I can get that..later!" America could barely breath.

He was completely out of breath, but kept running. He started to feel nauseous and looked around for anything to throw up in.

He saw a normal trash can on the street and ran to it. He threw up right as he reached it, and made loud gagging sounds as a revolting, clear liquid spewed out of his mouth. Normal people walking the streets tried to avoid him as they made gross faces.

But America felt guilty as he threw up. He felt so guilty. The American just wanted to lose weight, but ended up making people worry. He let lose his tears and ended up crying as he finished throwing up.

He was covered in gross fluids and decided he can just walk. Everyone stared at him, but at this point, he didn't care anymore. He felt horrible and just wanted to lock himself up.


America opened the door to his house and ran up the stairs. He finally slid to the floor and covered his face.

"Why do I do everything wrong?" He cried.

"All I wanted to do was lose weight.." America let his salty tears mix with the stomach fluid that covered him.

Alfred decided he definitely needed a shower at this point.

He walked in to his bathroom and remembered how happy he was to workout this morning. But all he saw now was this depressed man covered in fluids. He turned on the shower faucet and looked in the mirror.

A huge, fat body is what he saw in the mirror. He squished his back, stomach, thighs, and arms. He didn't understand why he had to be so fat. Everyone makes fun of him, but they were very correct to do so.

America scowled at the mirror to his body and sluggishly got in the shower. A hot, nice presence covered his body. Warm steam engulfed the room. America smiled, for he loves taking showers.

~next day~

   France dialed a number on his phone and held it to his face.

   "Hello? England?" France said in worried tone.

   "What? France?! You sound so serious it's making me laugh! Why are you even calling?" England laughed off but got a little worried himself.

   "It's about Alfred."

"..." England silenced. "Is he ok..I've noticed he's a bit different.."

"Yeah, I have too, I think its about his weight."

"Weight? Alfred?" England almost laughed. "It's about time he stops eating junk! He finally realized how much he eats!" England laughed over the speaker.

"Are you sure..? He was at the gym at twelve in the morning.." France tried convincing England.

"Twelve? That is a bit late, but I'm sure he's fine. He probably eats like a pig still!" England shouted.

"Yeah..ok..I'm still going to keep an eye out for him though." France muttered.

"Ok, whatever! I've been waiting for him to get healthy." England huffed. "Now if you excuse me, I have to be somewhere, so bye." England hung up.

France put his phone down and pondered his thoughts. I hope he's ok.


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