Steak and Mush

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"I'm going to make the best meal you've ever had." England smirked in his overpowering aura of confidence.

"Ok... but why are France and Canada here too?!" America crossed his thin arms while sat on a stool. "I never even invited them..."

America was wearing his fluffy jacket again. It was green with little brown buttons and engulfed much of his body. With the upcoming cold weather, it wasn't really out of the ordinary.

"Why not?" France laughed. "How could I leave you alone with England's cooking? I don't want you to end up on your deathbed."

England turned to France red faced. He was dressed in a lacy and frilly apron holding a tall wooden spoon.

"Shut up you bloody knob head! Everyone loves my food you gormless arse..." England continued on explaining the benefits of his food and how great it is.

France tried to hold back his laughter at times but it was impossible with the way he was dressed. Canada tried to stop the fight but no one noticed his attempts- or his voice at that.

America smiled at the scene. It was a sort of a comical relief to see something like this. He unintentionally held his stomach while it growled with agony, but it would be more unusual if it didn't. America had gotten used to the endless pulling rumble his stomach made. His growls always left unnoticed.

He knew well England was a horrible cook but the smell- even if it smelt of burnt meat and a random mix of spices, it smelled delicious. America would be willing to eat England's meal even if it did send him to his deathbed. Except the only thing that America cared for more than his life was his beautiful body. He knew he couldn't eat no matter how much his body yearned for a bite. Just imagining eating the food was wonderful. His stomach's growling attempts grew stronger with every whiff.

"America!" England waved his hand.

America snapped out of his fantasy and noticed the fight was presumably over.

"I've been calling you." England furrowed his eyebrows slightly worried. "But I also finished your lunch. I know it's the first real lunch you've had in a while so I made sure to make it exceptionally tasty." England's worriment exchanged into a confidently charged expression.

England set a plate in front of America. There was a small blackened steak and many mushed up hot vegetables. The steak had tons of seasoning on it while the vegetables had none. It still smelled amazing though, like getting a whiff of a nearby high end barbecue.

Canada and France both held their noses with a sour expression.

"It smells like burned corpses." France murmured.

"Shut up you twit."

England stared at America like a kid wanting approval. France and Canada looked worried for America's safety.

America looked around and his heart dropped. He was so focused on the smell he forgot he would actually be forced to eat it. His heart started to pound so fast it felt like it could push out of his chest.

The blackened meat on his plate looked amazing. He never thought he could crave something he thought of so awful before. The mush of hot vegetables looked more appetizing than ever.

He stared at the plate then back at England. England was waiting with a smile. He tried to cut through the hard steak and managed to get a piece on his fork.

America licked his lips and his growls came back. He took the bite without thinking. His urges took over, and it was the absolute best thing America has ever put in his mouth. The overly well done meat was crunchy and salty enough to have been dipped into the ocean. Tears started to drip down his face.

"It's amazing.." his voice cracked hoarsely.

Tears fell down his face like a flood. He put down the fork and tried to wipe his eyes. He gasped for air between his cries while everyone stood shocked. No one said anything, they just watched.

He took his fork up again and ate another bite of the steak, and another. He scooped up and ate the mush too. Tears fled his face even if it did taste like a mouthful of salt. It's the best mouthful of salt America had ever had.

Well at least it didn't take a year to update this time. I have a test tomorrow so I decided to write this at 3 am. I wasn't going to but I received many comments to update so here it is! This may be the first story I write where things end up ok even though I never had the intention to but who knows! I know this update has less action but I think it's the most meaningful one

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