The beginning of the end

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"But Alex why, I thought what we had was special" 

"I've told you one thousand times, I've found someone else."

"But you said we'd be together forever."

"Come on Chloe, don't make this harder than it already has to be."

"But Alex, why all the way to California?"

"Chloe, the dissision has been hard, of corse, but California was calling to me. I'm going with my new love. End of conversation."

Alex stomped out of their apartment. Chloe went into her bedroom crying. She grabbed her phone and called her best friend Cora. She was always there to comfort her.

"I'll be right over."

That was the last statement said after their phone conversation.

"He left"

"So you said. Why though?"

"He *sniffle sniffle* found a new love. They're moving to California."

"See, I told you he was no good."

"Hey. I'm grieving here okay?"

"Ok I'm sorry. So California? Thats a long time away. Why there?"

" I don't know, he said it was calling to him or something."

"Wanna wrap ourselves in blankets, sit on the couch, and binge watch Disney movies on the couch?"

"You know me so well."

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