chapter 2

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For some odd reason, my chest felt tight; my mind racing at an incredible speed as I could not figure the reason of this weird condition. Something told me, possibly my animal instinct, that today was not going to go as smoothly as I planned. I sat in the front of Physics class, staring absently at the board. The formulas and the equations were not registering in my brain and I, simply, could not be bothered doing the work. While trying to regain my focus, I felt a pair of piercing stares stabbing through the back of my head. His breathing was unbalanced as his focus was fixated on me. Wanting to spin my head around and see who it was, I retained my urge as I did not wanting the moment of our eye contact to be awkward. My eyes peered upwards to check the time until class would end. Five minutes. I guess I could maintain my studious complex for the mere five minutes we've got left till class ends. My gaze returned to the board once again and the work load began registering as I began finishing off the work given.

 The bell came unexpectedly as I finished packing away. Forgetting to find out who was staring at me, I darted out the class and headed for the locker once again. I came to a stop and the event this morning kept replying in my head. There was definitely something about that guy early this morning but I couldn't really grasp his motives. I pressed my pins and the door clicked unlocked. Taking my time stack the books in their order, I grabbed my spare clothes, a pair of black trousers and a white long sleeve shirt, for the last period, gym. From what I found out last week was that gym class was the time for girls to flaunt and show off their body to the opposite week since the class was co-ed. Or so I heard them talking during my presence in the changing room. I personally found what they're doing ridiculous and nonsense, but I guess it wasn't my place to judge.

The hallway began to disperse, most likely that nearly all of the student bodies were gathered at the cafeteria. Hastily, I pushed the door closed and placed my clothes in the bag, making my way to the gym, missing another day of lunch. The lights were dimmed and the gym was eerily quiet as I advanced cautiously passed the big metal doors. The tension reminded me clearly of the labs but the surrounding unexpected gave me comfort because I was used to it. Trotting up stairs to the stand above, I settled comfortably down, legs stretched and back flat against the hard brick walls. My breathing slowed, feeling relaxed and comfortable, I closed my eyes. 

//Third person's P.O.V//

The gym was now filled with noises, chatters,and laughter as students flooded the hall. It was gym class, a co-ed sports class filled with stinky teenagers, Illythia thought to herself. Though her eyes remained shut, the unpleasing noises had disrupted her peace of mind. Trying to block the noises out, Illythia's head was knocked hard against the wall from which an impact of the ball had caused. She then realized it was aimed straight her face. She jolted frighteningly as an electrifying pain surged through her head. Illythia stood up in search for the culprit and eyes were quickly meet with a bunch of insolent bastards standing below her, who were celebrating their success. She glared and her hands clenched hard, nails digging deep enough it could pierce through her palms. Partly embarassed and actually realizing her noise was bleeding from the hit, she hurried along the stand to the closest pair of stairs. Her head hung low, hands clasping the bottom half of her face and she could hear them all, laughing at her and talking amongst themselves about her then she hears the teacher shouts something, something uncomprehenable. Her mind was racing and her surrounding started flickering black and white, she was thirsty. The blood she was losing is causing her head to become blank and without looking, she bummed into something solid and felt its impact.

//First person's P.O.V//

No, it's not a wall but a figure. I fell back with great impact and as I landed, I heard a loud crack. Realizing I was now staring at my wrongly twisted wrist, my mind started to go blank. I didn't know how long I was staring at my left wrist for nor whether I was screaming at the top of my lungs or not, in panic, I looked around me and noticed that the gym was now silent and I was the center of attention, the last thing I wanted to be. As if everything was in slow motion - the teacher hurrying in my direction and surprisingly, the look of concerns some people were giving me - I scuttled off the floor, grasping my left arm in a half embrace and ran out the door. Rain were pouring down and I could not care anymore, screams and shouts faded as I got further from the building and that when I knew I was no longer on school grounds. 

I ran and ran until I realized I was now standing in front of my home - I place where warmth and comfort. Then realizing I had left everything at school. Great, just great. However, being a very organized person he is, Josh had left a spare key under the door mat. I helped my soaking self inside, left wrist still hanging loosely off my arm and I headed straight into the kitchen. It was dark but I felt my way around and placed my arm on flat on the bench. I felt how my left palm was not flat on the bench like how it should be but counting down from three, I knew I had to make it flat awake the bench or I'll be in much more pain than I would be now. Where one arm was now flat on the bench, with my capable right hand, I felt around for something to tape my wrist still for the healing process to begin. 

//Third person's P.O.V//

"Hello?" Joshua answered his phone.

"Is this Mr. Cross speaking, I am calling from the administration of Hales State High School regarding Illythia Cross," an elderly women informed politely over the phone, "It has come to our attention that Ms. Cross has left school grounds with no permission after a concerning injury. We're just worried whether she has made any contact with her guardian about her well being or whereabouts?"

Concerns and worried ran rampant in Joshua's head but managed to remain calm about the situation. "Injury?" Joshua questioned.

"Yes, I was informed that a teacher and her classmates have witnessed Ms. Cross falling hard onto the floor during sport's period and her wrist may been hurt." The admin lady replied.

"Okay, thank you. I'll will head to the school right now." Hanging up his phone, Joshua stood up abruptly, leaving his unfinished work on the table and packed what he needed. Just about when he turned around, an unknown hand placed itself on Joshua's back, calming his anxiety.

"Whoa, what's with the hurry? And I thought we were going out for dinner tonight?" A deep voice, too familiar, questioned Joshua. He turned around and met with eyes to eyes with his boyfriend, Derek. Joshua bit on his lower lip and smiled sadly feeling guilty knowing that he had to cancel his dinner date with Derek.

"Derek, tonight, I think we have to make it a rain check," Derek looked at Joshua with concern, an eyebrow rose in question, "it's Illythia, something happened to her." It was obvious that there were no need for more words, Derek knew that Illythia was like a daughter to him though it was Joshua's adopted sister's daughter. Illythia had no one and Joshua was his one and only family. The conversation left at that and both of them knew their priority at that moment, it was to find Illythia.

A/N: Sorry for this VERY LATE update, but now I have to time so I hope you enjoy :) Please give me a thumps up if you do like it and please leave any comments if I need to improve on anything.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2015 ⏰

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