The Good and The Bad

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Louis' POV

Holy shit he likes me! Okay Louis don't fuck this up like you did last time. He thinks I'm cute. I love this man!

I order our drinks, iced coffee for Harry and tea for me, and wait. What am I going to do. He doesn't fully trust me yet. Just keep being nice. Don't let him know about my past and it'll be fine.

"Lewis Tompson?" fucking idiots.

"Louis Tomlinson, yes that would be me."

"Okay have a good day Lewis." this bitch is on my kill list. Whats her name? Brianna? Better enjoy the rest of your short life you cunt.

Anyway, that bitch aside, I walk over to Harry with our drinks in hand. God I feel lighter than air right now just looking at him. He's perfect. His long curly hair framing his perfectly sculped face. His bright innocent green eyes that make me melt.

Just as I was about to reach the table somebody forcablely bumps into me. I let out a girly squeak and fall to the ground with our drinks pouring all over me and the other person.

"Oui mate! Watch where your going you fookin' dick!"

"Oh shut it you little shit. You should know your place." that is when I snapped. I grabbed the bloke by the ankles and pulled him down to the floor and knee him in the gut.

"YOU FOOKIN' BASTARD! YOU SHOULD KNOW YOUR PLACE! DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHO I AM?!" I punch him in the face with every word. The world is going red. All I see is red. I feel a pair of large arms pull me off of the dickhead on the ground. I hear soft whispers in my ear. Something along the lines of 'shh its okay' 'calm down Lou' 'lets get you out of here' I faintly recognize the voice. My mind is racing too much to even try to figure out who it is. I'm light headed. Red turns to black. I'm blacking out. This always happens. Why did I do that? Harry must hate me now. He probably ran away as soon as it happened. God I wish I could die.

(Time skip)

My head hurts. I feel fingers intertwined with mine and someone cuddling me. This is new. My eyes are still closed so I have no idea who I'm with. I almost don't want to look, at risk its not Harry.

I feel movement next to me. I think they're waking up. I hear a groan and then a yawn.

"Morning Lou." it- its Harry. I've never been happier than I am right now. "Not awake yet? Maybe I should wake him up? No, he needs rest." he kisses my head and gets out of bed. He kissed me!! I would like to take back my wanting to die. I would very much like to stay alive.

I should get up. I should get up. I should-

"Louis? Wake up. I made breakfast." well okay then.

I pretend to be woken up. "Hm? Whatcha doing?"

"Whats it look like, I'm waking you up so we can have breakfast together. Now come on."

"Okay, but you should know that I don't need to eat."

"What, are you on a diet?"

"No, I literally do not need food to live. Not human remember."

"Oh, right. Sorry.."

"Don't be. I will eat with you. I was just informing you that I don't have to. So you don't waste food."

"Well I never really have to worry about wasting food. Niall usually takes care of that."

"Oh right, Niall." I forgot about that little rat. He needs to be dealt with, but thats something for later discussuon. Right now I'll enjoy my time with Harry.

"Hey mate! Is that the cute and terrifying guy you were talking about?!" and aparently Niall. Fuck this guy.

"Umm, lets just eat yea?" Harry turned a bright shade of red after Niall's little comment. Cute.

I can't believe Niall just said that. What a dick. Harry thought. My, my, the seeds of mistrust are starting to grow.

You have no idea... Harry glanced at me then back to Niall.

Breakfast was tense. Niall looked scared for his life. He knows who I am, he knows. He must be silenced before he talks. Him and his brother, both of them need to go. But I have no control over them anymore. I can't do anything, but Harry could. Harry could do it for me. He can get rid of the problem, but they're his firends. He won't do it. Unless he had a good reason to. If his friends hurt him, or me, Harry could fly into a rage and get rid of them for good. Its almost perfect. The only problem is Harry. He needs to be pushed over the edge in order for my plan to work, or I could just ask him. Then, when those bastards are gone, Harry will be all mine. Mine. Mine. He's mine.

"Hey mate, I gotta head out. Will needs me." perfect. Niall leaves, and I'll have Harry here all alone.

"Really mate? You've been spending so much time with him. Why don't you ever hang out with me anymore?"

"Look, we're busy. I'm sorry that I can't hang out with you, but some of us have more important things to do." that was rude. Perfect, Niall is basically digging his grave.

"Fine. Leave. I have other friends. I don't need you." way to go Harbear, show him who's boss.

"Whatever." with that Niall leaves, slamming the front door in the process. What an asshole. I can't wait for him to die. Speaking of which...



"Do you think you could do something for me?"

"Uh, sure. What is it?"

"Kill Niall."

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