Chapter 2

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Time skip

"CRASH!" Spitfire yelled. Rainbow looked over at Spitfire, who didn't seem very happy. "Yeah, what is it?" Rainbow said. "Are you going to go into formation, or are you going to stand there like an idiot?" Spitfire yelled again.

"Sorry ma'am!"

"Don't you sorry me! Get up there with your team, you're letting everypony down!" Spitfire blew her whistle.

"Yes ma'am." Rainbow said under her breath. She flew up towards the other's. Trying to keep up with them was difficult, considering how far behind she was.

She landed short of breath. "What's up with me today?" Rainbow thought to herself. She hasn't been able to pay attention at all this week. It wasn't helping that Spitfire had put her next to-


"Celestiadammit! It's all his fault!" Rainbow said to herself. "This has gone too far." She liked him, that's. There was no way that she was gonna fall for him. She only like him 'cause he was cute. 'Cause of his smile, his eyes, how nice he was, how great of a pony he was. She'll never be worth his time. Thought's kept going on through Rainbow Dash's head. Without realizing it, she screamed.


Everypony turned and looked at her. Rainbow could tell that some of them, including Misty, weren't very happy with language she was just using.

Rainbow Dash covered her mouth with her wing, while blushing from embarrassment. Everyone continued to stare at her. No one said anything, they just stared at her, causing Rainbow blush even more.

She couldn't take it anymore. Rainbow sighed and flew off.


Dash was laying down on one of the beds, playing with an feather that had fallen off her wing. She sighed. "What's wrong with me?" she said out loud. Her eyes began to water just a little.

"For starters you swear to much." said somepony. Rainbow sat up and looked at the doorway, seeing Misty Fly. Fleetfoot peered her head around the corner.

"There you are! We were wondering where you went!" Fleetfoot said. "More importantly, we were wondering what you were doing back outside. Like, c'mon! What was that?" Misty Fly said. For some reason Rainbow couldn't get any words out. "I-I don't know." she said quietly. Her eyes watered more. "Are you, crying?" a concerned Fleetfoot asked. "Stop it Dash! You're not gonna cry over something ridiculous!" Rainbow told herself.

"I don't cry." Rainbow said, hoping that would answer her friend's question. Misty Fly wiped away a tear that had made it down Rainbow's cheek. "Yes you do. Ya doing it right now." Misty said. "I'm not." Rainbow pushed away Misty's hoof. "Girl, do you think I was born yesterday?" Misty said. Rainbow only looked into her eyes.

"Is it because you just embarrassed yourself in front of everyone?" Fleetfoot said.

"Fleetfoot." Misty said, trying to keep her quiet.

"Is it because you just messed up and Spitfire is probably mad?"


"Is it because you just embarrassed yourself in front of Soarin, and now he may never like yo-"


Rainbow lost it. Misty Fly sat there, comforting her friend as Dash buried her head into Misty's chest. She glared at Fleetfoot. "What?" Fleetfoot shrugged. Misty groaned and rolled her eyes.

"Hey, I got an idea." Misty said after a while. Rainbow lifted her head. Her eyes were red from crying. "What?" she sniffled. "How we all go downtown, so you can clear head from, whatever just happened." Misty smiled. "Sounds like a great idea!" Fleetfoot said and flapped her wings. "Sure, I guess." Rainbow said, even though she didn't really want to.

"Yay!" Misty said. "Ooo! This means I finally get a chance to use that gift card that my mom got me for my birthday!"


"Can we go get something to eat now? We've been here forever!" Fleetfoot complained. "Thirty minutes is not forever." Misty Fly retorted. "Seems like it." Rainbow Dash muttered. "Shut up and try this on!" Misty said. She shoved what seemed like the hundredth dress onto Rainbow Dash and pushed her into the dressing room.

Rainbow walked out a minute later wearing the dress that Misty gave her, along with an expression on her face that said "kill me please". The front part of the dress was black and sleeveless, the belt was dark purple, and the bottom layered with white and a light purple. The purple being on the top.

"Sweet Celestia! You look amazing, girl!" Misty Fly hovered over the ground, admiring Rainbow Dash. She flew over to her. "If only we could wear such beautiful gowns to the gala."

"Cool. Now can I go take this off now?" Rainbow said. "Why would you want to take off such a gorgeous dress." Misty said, then held up the price tag. The smile she was wearing faded into a frown. "On second thought, maybe you should." Rainbow looked at the tag. 750 bits. Yeah, no thank you.

Rainbow walked out of the dressing room. Misty Fly and Fleetfoot were looking at scarves of all things. "Why the hell are they selling scarves? It's the middle of summer for Celestia's sake!" Rainbow said inside her head. "I'll never understand this fashion thing." She rolled her eyes and walked towards her friends.

Misty Fly wrapped a pale pink scarf around Rainbow's neck. Misty smiled. "Now this looks amazing on you!" she said. "And it's under ten bits." Fleetfoot added on. Rainbow looked at Misty. "If I get this, can we leave?" she said. Misty groaned. "Fine."


"Where have you three been?" Soarin shouted Misty Fly, Fleetfoot, and Rainbow Dash, who had just got back to headquarters. The three girls smiled, nervously. "Not here?" Fleetfoot stated, but it sounded more like a question. "You're lucky I covered for you." Soarin said. "Heh." Misty Fly laughed nervously. "You're welcome." he said blankly.

"Well that was awkward." Rainbow thought to herself as her and the other girls walked away. "I don't know if this day could get any worse."

"Hey, Crash. You mind if I talk to you for a second?" Soarin said.

"CRAP!" She yelled in her head.

Rainbow Dash turned around and smiled. "Sure." she said, way too cheerfully.

"It seems like you've been having trouble at practice lately." he said. "You noticed?" Rainbow said, kind of awkwardly. "Yeah. I was wondering if you like some help with the routine?" Soarin said.

Normally, she would say no. She's Rainbow Dash, she don't need help. But instead she found herself saying, "From who?"

"Me. After all, what are friends for?"

Rainbow's heart sank. "I'll think about it." as she walked off Soarin said one last thing to her.

"Cute scarf by the way."

She felt her face heat up. She turned her head and said, "Thanks."

Even though he had complemented her, she couldn't get that one sentence out of her head.

"After all, what are friends for?" It replayed over and over inside her head.

"What are friends for?"

That one word.


Hope you like the new chapter!!!!

I wrote this in one day (well night). It's a long chapter too. So yay!

Also, I feel like the song up at the top goes well with Soarin and Rainbow Dash's relationship as of now. That's why I put it there (duh).

I'll see you next time! Byyyeeeeeee!!!!!!!

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