Chapter 3

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Controlled: Chapter 3

It was finally Saturday, thankfully. It was the first day that I could sleep in all week, and I really needed that. The only bad part was that I'd be home for 3 meals, which means that skipping them wouldn't be too easy at all.

The time was 10:36 when I woke up due to a buzzing sound on my bedside table. Elle had texted me asking about a mall trip for the day with all the girls and their guys. So basically, the girls with their boyfriends or crushes, and I'm just stuck with one of their friends. I told her I'd get back to her as soon as I asked my mom the plans for the day.

While walking downstairs, I thought of how to put it to my mom. She didn't necessarily like me out with boys. Joshie and my dad weren't in the kitchen and after a quick glance out the window, my dad's car wasn't in the driveway which probably meant that they were at Joshie's little league tee-ball game.

My mom was sitting at the table, reading the newspaper while chewing away at her egg and broccoli omelet. “Mom, can I go out to the mall with some friends?” I asked, hoping to not be interrogated.

“With who?” And my hopes were shot down.

“Just the girls and a few guys”. Surprisingly my mom took it okay, so I went into my room to start getting ready. Em told me that we were meeting around 11:15 by the food court. So I decided it was about time to shower.

Once that was done, I brushed out my hair, combing out the knots that decided to form. I sprayed in this amazing product and just allowed it to fry in, making my hair have a bit of a wave to it.

My clothes were the next thing that needed to be chosen. I decided on a cute look, something that was in-style, well, kind of. My white skinny jeans were a bit big on me, as I had lost a few pounds already. I tied them up with my black studded belt though, just to make sure I had no problems. I decided to wear this black shirt that had holes in it entirely so that the color of the shirt underneath would be shown. I chose a neon pink to brighten up the dull colors I was wearing. I slid on some black ankle boots, then grabbed my phone and ran downstairs since Em's older sister was driving me.

After a quick “goodbye” to my mom, I ran outside and sat inside of the Toyota Camry. The mall was only about fifteen minutes away, all that time was passed quickly as we listened to the radio.

The mall was pretty crowded, as expected on a winter weekend. Our crowd was easily found, so we just joined in with them. There was one person in the group that I could not recognize.

He had dark brown hair, but enchanting green eyes. He seemed on the shy side as his hair fell over his eye and he just let it lie there. His head was lowered, staring at his feet.

“Mikayla, this is Nate's cousin, Jack”. Gee introduced us to each other.

“Hi Jack, you can call me Mik if you'd like”. He just nodded his head. The group decided to grab some lunch, so we walked into the food court and separated into the lines we wanted to get food at. The open tables were scattered everywhere, so everyone was just going to be sat with their 'date'.

I grabbed a table as soon as Jack got in line at the pizza counter. Once he was done, he walked over to me with 3 slices of pizza, a large fry, and a medium sized drink. “Aren't you going to get anything, Mik?” Jack asked, almost inaudibly.

“I already ate earlier,” I shrugged it off, “So, tell me about yourself?”

He finished chewing his bite then spoke. “Well, I'm 16. Obviously, I'm a guy. And music is my life. Hey, are you sure you're not hungry?”

Of course at that moment my stomach growled, just as I was saying that I wasn't hungry.

He raised his eyebrow at me, “C'mon. Have a bite; you can share my fries. And pizza if you'd like”. He pushed his fries toward me, so I took one or two and slowly nibble at the ends of them. I wasn't too happy about it, but it made me feel a little better.

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