Educated Cat Ears Chapter 1 - The Transfer Teacher

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Educated Cat Ear's Chapter 1:

Transfer Teacher.

Winter was upon the little city of Far Core, snow fell heavily yet landed softly upon all objects in sight causing a mass winter land. Yet college went on.

November 7th, Morning. Up in apartment 103 in a fortress of student flat, an alarm went off singing its irritating tune..

“Awh shut up...” Moaned the 17 year old teenage male as he forced his way lazily towards the clock – 'Click', it went. Silence fell.

“...clock annoying...Dan sleep...” Dan wasn't one to wake up early on a morning which usually lend to his own demise via his teacher. Dan was a student at his local college studying English Literature although he found himself constantly at the mercy of his teacher for being late EVERY morning. His bad sleeping pattern had caused him to suffer from late nights, all by from reading manga all night long, after a while it soon caught up on him and only slept a few hours on a night. It had always irritated him since on days he didn't have to study he was left with no to do except watch TV, he did even favour it that much.

Half an hour later, the Neko emerged. His blonde messy hair stuck out all over the place, his blue-purple eyes clouded from tiredness and his naked skinny(1) self just in his grey, woollen track suit bottoms with his long cream tail curled around it snugly. All in all, Dan had a normal appearance apart his ears that drooped down constantly. Slowly but surely Dan made his way over to the window to open his curtains stepping over all the books and empty noddles cartons dotted around his floor,clearly showed he was the cleanest of Teenagers, yet some how Dan survived in this dump. Finally, he reached his window and open his curtains.

“Blimey...” was his first reaction the snowy inferno outside, “And Sensei expects me to get in on time to how?” He muttered to himself, amazingly he had just enough time to get to college but that now looked unlikely. The blonde frown, brushing back his hair with his fingers, his soft silky hair was the only thing he took pride in when it came to his appearance, funny really because with well groomed hair meant it was easy to tidy so he had less to work with when he gets up, typical.

After eating breakfast, getting dressed, giving his hair and teeth a quick brush, he was ready to dash out of the house along with his black fleece and college carrier case(2).

Outside was cold. Too cold, by now Dan's runny nose had turn to Icicles, his hands had gone numb, “Sensei better be grateful for this...” He whined, following with a sigh. “ cold...”

Far core College had a poor dress code, every one had to wear a shirt with a tie and plain black trousers that looked sensible, it was also disallowed to wait coats inside the school building, it apparently made it look scruffy. “Only I would aim for a fancy college that makes you dress in so little, just to impress my family, geez...” On his way to College he watched young children play in the snow with their parents, laughing, playing and building snowmen. A loving family. Looked nice.

Sometimes he even wondered what it would be like to have a snowball fight with his old man, but that seem unlikely, he could picture his father in his head, tall and stern with lightning blonde hair just looking at him in disgust followed by him saying: 'Play in the snow? Don't be so selfish, I have work to do!'.Dan's father wasn't a easy man please, how ever he was easy to make angry, believing work is more important than his son. Disheartened, Dan carried on his walk to College, hiding his misery within his fleece collar.

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