Chapter 1

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The last thing I ever wanted to do was end up here. But I guess I didn't have too much of a choice.

"Look, Skylar," the man in the desk in front of me says, after I have protested many times that I would be okay living in my apartment instead of some tiny dorm. The last thing I want here is a cruddy roommate.

This man goes by Mr. Gedret, and has a healthy head of hair and shaves off his facial hair. If he wasn't the head of this damned academy, I would find him attractive. Maybe.

I was almost dragged here for security and combat concerns. The people say that as a young Kesdoran, I shouldn't be (one) living alone, (two) saving the small city of Savent on my own, and (three) spending my days educating myself using the super-expensive intelligence-injection (which pretty much injects information you should know at a certain age into your brain). I'm trying to claim, as stated, that I don't need a dorm here, for my apartment isn't too far from here.

"You need to interact with others," Mr. Getret says, and I roll my eyes. So far his evidence was the fact that he doesn't want me wasting my powers, that I need to interact with others, and that the dorms are nice here. "Nice".

Dorms are never nice.

"Oh please," I say to him. "I don't need to interact with others. I'm better off alone."

"You've never even had friends," Mr. Getret says, and I cant help but feel offended. He sighs and slides a key down his desk. "You're in room four-ninety-two, and your roommates name is Amber."

I grunt, taking the key and schedule off of my desk, and without word, leave the room.

The elevator is huge, which sure, makes me feel somewhat less claustrophobic, but the fact that the walls and ceiling are mirrors freaks me out a bit.

I press the button which is labeled with the number 4, and lean against the mirror-wall as the elevator goes up. I pull my long white-blonde hair onto my shoulders. (It grows white-blonde, and I never knew my parents so I can't say who I get it from. All I know is that my sister has red hair, which I assume could be from my dad, because she says she looks most like him).

The elevator doors open to a huge hallway lines with doors that lead to dorm rooms. The silver wallpaper is falling apart, and each door is a faded black. This place must be fairly old. Someone plays loud rap music from their room, and I try not to yell at them to turn it down. I hear I walk down the hallway, noticing the first room is labeled 001. I have a lot of walking to go.

I make my way down, noticing the dorms looking newer as the numbers increase. I have to turn a few times because the floor is squared. The wallpaper becomes less damaged, and the lights become brighter. The doors now look more like a sheet of pure black steel.

Of course I have the second to last dorm. At least this one's not as damaged as the rest of them. 

I unlock the door with the key, and it slides open automatically. I enter the room.

The end wall is all glass, which I like. I get a nice view of the city from up here. There are two beds, one on each side of the room, and a desk next to each, leaving there some space in the middle of the wall-window. I see my roommate has already put sheets on her bed. They are red with a cream floral pattern, and she has tons of pillows on it. There are so many, I can't even count them all. Her desk space is also already done, having Young Adult books piled in one corner, and textbooks in another. She has a vase of red roses in the center. 

I'm assuming my roommate put in some sort of air freshener because the room smells strongly of cocoa butter. I like the smell though, and just hope that I don't get a headache. 

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