i'm just chillin' at the fontaineblue

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Miami, Florida · Friday, April 20, 1990

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Miami, Florida · Friday, April 20, 1990


"So, basically what you're saying is, my luggage is on another flight?" I asked the passenger service agent, seated behind her computer monitor.

"Yes, ma'am, I'm afraid so."

I couldn't help but to allow a sigh of frustration escape my lips as I buried my face within the palm of hand.

I wouldn't even stress the fact that my luggage was delayed if I knew my textbooks weren't with them. Final exams are approaching, and I don't have money to be scraping up to purchase new ones. To make matters worse, I wasn't wearing the outfit Daisy and I worked so desperately hard on, earlier in the week for me to strut in these video auditions with. If that isn't what you consider a case of bad luck then I don't what is.

"Well, can you tell me a specific time or date it'll arrive here?"

"I'm just as clueless as you are, ma'am. It can take anywhere from a few hours, days, weeks, months--"

"Please don't say years."

"Oh, no, ma'am," She giggled. "It wouldn't be declared delayed at that point, just lost."

"It's just that I have some really important textbooks within those bags."

"The only thing I can suggest for you to do at this point, is to fill out a claim form," She picked up one of the rectangle sheets of paper that laid on her desk and placed it on the counter in front of me. "You know how this works, right? You explain what possessions you had in the bag, like your textbooks, and how much they cost."

I nodded understandingly as I picked up the sheet of paper and the cup of coffee I purchased from Starbucks earlier in the day from off the counter. I needed something to keep my adrenaline going.

"I-I think I got it from here. Thank you."

"No problem. Glad I could help."

I set out to find the nearest telephone booth in the terminal which just so happened to be located by the restrooms. I had to call Daisy to inform her that the airline unfortunately misplaced my luggage, plus I needed to check-in with Caden, see how he's doing. I hadn't kissed his chubby cheeks or heard his babbles in over 18 hours, and when I say I'm having a severe case of mommy withdrawal.

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