The fiery and stunning apricot sun rays in the distance could not compare to how furious Jungkook was with his lab partner. He had specifically told him to submit their graph, diagram, and conclusion on before six o'clock. But now, his bedside digital clock read 6:10 PM and he'd received a late notice from Professor Yin. Your report is late. 10% will be deducted per day from the assignment.
"Screw your Park Jimin," Jungkook muttered, shoving papers off his desk. He let out a deep sigh and closed his eyes to subdue his throbbing migraine. Then he collapsed on his bed, rubbing his temples.
Jungkook loved being Jimin's roommate, but his inability of punctuality was remarkably astounding. Jimin stood as a senior while Jungkook remained as a junior, and the two of them had been friends since freshman year. They'd shared everything — from first drinks to tattoos — the history they held was amazing.
Jungkook leaned over the side of his bed and snatched his phone from the desk. Where is he anyways? He dialed Jimin's number and a barely audible "hello" came through the opposite side, followed by many girls cheering and hooting.
"Jungkookie!" Jimin teased, using his pet name. Jungkook rolled his eyes and pressed the phone closer to his ear to make out what Jimin was saying. "What's uuuuup?"
"Get your ass back down here wherever the hell you are," he warned. "We had a report due today? Remember?"
"A report," he repeated, this time a little louder.
"Speak up man, I can't hear you!"
Jungkook held the phone a foot away and shouted, "A report Park Jimin!" There was a crash heard in the distance and Jungkook quickly squeezed his phone. "Jimin? Where are you? Is everything okay?"
"Yeah, God, I'll be there in five." The receiver went dead and Jungkook's blood pressure frantically rose. He told himself to stay calm. Do what you do when you're frazzled.
To ease the tension, he opened their bedroom door and walked into the living room of their apartment. They both had agreed to share it with a girl and boy: Mina and Yoongi respectively. The two had been together since their sophomore year of high school and practically lived and breathed the same air. However, both showed proper independence and refrained from making Jungkook and Jimin uncomfortable (whenever they were home at least).
The cool air had already started to cascade across the skies, dancing through the November nights and giving students a chill. Since their campus was basically in a predominant child-friendly neighborhood, Mina had insisted the boys dress up and hand out candy to passerby trick-or-treaters. Yoongi, with his extravagant taste of design, had carved three delightful, yet spooky pumpkins to place outside their doorstep. Jungkook and Jimin were going to be Mario and Luigi while Mina and Yoongi were going as Ana and Elsa from the kids' latest Disney craze: Frozen.
The door swung open and Jimin staggered inside, promptly kicking his shoes off and disposing himself on the couch in the foyer. Jungkook rushed over and felt his forehead. No fever.
"Jimin?" He whispered. A smile crept across Jimin's mischievous face. "You idiot, I see you!"
"Ha! Ya caught me!" He laughed and Jungkook reminded himself of his anger. "Aw, I know I forgot about the deadline and I'm sorry."
"Sorry isn't going to cut it this time," Jungkook declared, heading to the kitchen. Jimin sprang up from the couch and trailed him like a puppy. "What's it going to take for me to ignite your punctual behavior?"