The First Time I Saw Her

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Mikaylas POV:

    The day I met her I never knew that she would be the one that would change my life in more ways than I could ever imagine. It started like any other day. I woke up next to my boyfriend of three years. I loved him. I really did but, the last few months I felt like something was just off. It's like when you know something bad is going to happen and you get a weird feeling in the pit of your stomach but you just can't pinpoint why.
Anyways, like I said, I woke up like everyday and began my daily routine. I took a quick shower, got dressed, did my hair, put a little makeup on and went to the kitchen for my favorite part of the morning, my morning coffee. As I was sitting there sipping my drink Jackson finally got out of bed and came to the kitchen.
"Good morning baby"
He said to me as he pulled me into him for a goodmorning kiss. I smiled and kissed him back but still couldn't shake this weird feeling I was having.
"Morning babe, don't forget you're on your own for dinner tonight. I have a late shoot"
I said to him. I'm a photographer. Often my job gives me a very unusual work schedule but it pays the bills and I absolutely love what I do. In my line of work I can show people the simple beauty of everything around them. Jackson replied to me,
" Ok, I'll probably go out for pizza and drinks with the guys from work."
Which he does a lot but I don't question it. I trust him and it's important for us to have lives apart from our relationship. I'm way to independent to have a relationship where we are together ALL of the time.
"Alright well I gotta go, I love you!"
I told him as gave him a quick peck and rushed out of the door to my spot.
    I have a place that I go to before I start an important project or just need to clear my head. It's a little dirt road that at the end has an adorable pond this is absolutely beautiful. My favorite part about it though is a certain tree. Yes, I said a tree. Hear me out though. My tree has a little swing hanging from a very large branch. It is made out of two pieces of rope and a plank of wood. It is so simple yet so perfect. I find it so relaxing to just sit there on the swing and let anything clouding my mind just wash away into the pond.
    After being at my spot for a few hours I decided it was time for some more coffee so I drove to starbucks. I go there all of the time I'm pretty sure I'm in there more than some of the workers. I told the girl at the register my order and she scanned my phone. I had to collect my stars, I'm so close to a free drink. As I waited for my drink I pulled out my phone and opened up my CNN app. I read the news everyday. It's really important to know what's going on in the world around you! One of the girls behind the counter called out my drink.
        "Venti iced coffee black with sugar-free vanilla!"
I looked up from my phone real quick to grab my drink. When I reached for my cup I felt a hand already on my drink. Bitch what. Who the fuck is touching my coffee haha. My thought process automatically halted when I felt something. A spark? A tingling feeling? I'm not really even sure how to describe it. It almost scared me. I looked up to the girl grabbing MY drink and I got lost in her chocolate brown eyes. Never in my life have I seen a pair of eyes that captivated me and pulled me into them. They told a story like no other and I know I could stare into them trying to read their story for hours. I was pulled out of my trance when she pulled her hand away real quick and with a slight blush of pink to her cheeks she looked down and said,
        "Oh, I'm sorry. I guess we order the same drink."
She let out a little giggle that warmed my heart. Who is this girl. Her eyes, her smile, her laugh, her beautiful short brown hair, everything about her pulled me in. I wonder if she felt that spark too. I think she did otherwise why would she blush the way she did? Her phone rang,
        "Hello? Yeah I am. Ok, I guess I'm on my way"
The short brunette said. By that time another coffee was up so I grabbed the other one and she said,
"I'm sorry again for almost taking your drink. I have to go though, have a great day"
She smiled at me again. I gave her a smile back and said,
        "It's really no problem. You have a nice day as well."
And with that she was gone and I stood there just stunned. I had a head rush. I knew the image of her illuminated smile would stay in my mind for a long time. I have been with Jackson and I have never felt the chemistry with him like I did with this stranger just by a simple touch of the hand. It was instant, natural and terrifying. For one I have a boyfriend I am in love with. Two, she is a GIRL. I've never been with a girl before. I'm not saying that I'm wouldn't do it. I just never had the right situation for it to happen. What am I doing? I can't stop thinking about her and I only exchanged like five words with her. Ok Kayla, move on you will probably never see her again and you have a boyfriend that love you. This girl has me fucked up and I don't even know her name...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2016 ⏰

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