Chapter 2

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In a hurry to try and get away before something I didn't want to happen to me started to happen, I pulled at the handcuffs in hopes of breaking them. This turned out to be very fruitless for it just hurt my wrists even more, digging in deep and starting to cut them. I tried to break the chair for it didn't look very solid. So, I struggled and struggled but it did nothing which infuriated me a great deal. I started to mumble under my breath all the curses I could think up as I tried to rip the handle of the chair off. Doing this made me fail to notice that I was glowing a bright orange and that my eyes was glowing a bright green and then I disappeared, not in the traditional sense either. No, I disappeared and reappeared from what seemed like a blast of energy from my body completely transporting me to a new area. I looked down at my hands in wonder finally noticing my glow, then I heard a voice calling to me in a whisper making me look up from my hands to see the infamous Harley Quinn in the flesh sitting behind a gated area inside a cage. I was literally about to fan boy right there, when an explosion came from beside me burying me in a bunch of rubble. 

While I was in the rubble I noticed the explosion didn't hurt nor seem to bother me at all. Although it did scare me shitless and broke the chains around me though, I proceeded to dig myself out of the pile of concrete and metal when the sound of gunfire made me freeze immediately, not wanting to be caught up with the fight. When it was relatively silent I got up only to see a bunch of people in riot suits holding assault rifles and Harley hugging one of them. I turned to walk out of the hole they made only to walk into more incoming swat uniforms who held their guns at me. I dodged to the side just as they began to let loose a rain of bullets at my old position. Dodging left and right trying not to get hit by the bullets I ran like my life depended on it which it truly did at the moment. My hand grabbed the handle of the door when I was yanked backwards by my collar by a very strong force sending me hurling backwards onto the floor at the feet of one of the swat dressed guys. Upon landing I noticed I had ripped the doors knob off, looking up I came face to face with the infamous Joker which made me sweat with fear like no other, for everyone knows the danger of meeting the King of the Crime World it could end up good and you live or end up with you dead which is usually what happens of course that is after he tortures you endlessly till you get to the point of wishing for death but of course he won't let you and will continue torturing you. Turning over I began crawling back from him pretty quickly in hopes that he would ignore me but like every time in my life the world was against me when I heard the maniacal laugh come from his mouth I froze in fear. 

A hand with a very strong grip grabbed my neck lifting me up, forcing me to stand up tall at my full 6 ft. 9 height. I looked up to see the Joker looking at me with a terrifying grin on his lips as he walked towards me. He got closer than comfortable but I did nothing in fear of angering this guy and getting myself a very painful death. The alarms started to blare in the room which made him frown and in turn made me gulp, he grabbed my collar and dragged me behind himself through the hole with Harley following close behind skipping the whole way, with his men watching his back during the escape. I was thrown into a van with a giant smile painted on it and the Joker's signature. The Joker climbed into the back where I was with a bag on my head which smelled of blood and sweat and tied me to a pole on the back of the van hurting my already tender wrists with it still being very tender and all. The bag may have smelled bad but being in the station was a lot worse than this. Not struggling in this situation was what I though best to do in this moment was what I thought best to do, for if he hadn't killed me yet I figured he was going to use me for something of importance to him. We had

been driving for what seemed like hours, going over train tracks with the bag on made me hella queasy and sick from the constant bouncing. When we finally came to a stop I was yanked out of the van breaking the pole in the van cause they didn't even seem to care I was still cuffed to it which made the cuffs rip open my wrists making me bleed a great deal. When I landed on a very solid floor on my knees which felt like concrete. The bag was ripped off of my face showing a warehouse like place with broken concrete floors with plants growing out of the cracks. It was dark outside which means we had been driving for long while. I was preparing myself for death cause what I have seen in movies this is the ideal place to die for all people when it comes to gangs. When no one appeared besides the Jokers minions for a while I was starting to wonder what was wrong. Thinking they were going to set me free in a bit I was getting a sense of relief in my body only for it to disappear just as fast as in came when the Harley appeared with the Joker by her side with her hammer and him with a knife I started to think all type of reasons for him to pull out that knife for it had the look of torture all over it, and it had my name all over its hilt.

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