Chapter 5

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"Hey" Sedric came in. I wiped the tears on my cheeks and smiled at him.

"Hey" I said. I can't take the song of my head. What was my purpose in this world if I was this useless?

"It's a sad thing you didn't get to meet Sunny yesterday" I said. He smiled.

"It's fine"

"By the way, what would you like to watch?" He asked. He sat on the chair near me and opened his laptop.

"Anything. Oh, my teacher is coming here later, I can't talk to you for a while" I said. He stood up and walked towards me.

"It's fine. I'll wait until your over" His sentence made my cheeks warm. He placed his laptop on the near table and carried me.

"Hey! Sedric?! What are you doing?!" Despite my loud mouth, I felt my heart race.

"I want to watch too you know" He said. He put me down near on the edge.

"There, now I'll be sitting here" He pointed out at my side.

"What?!" I panicked. He can't!!! I mean...UGH!!!!

He took his laptop and sat beside me. Is he out of his mind?! Why am I freaking out anyway?! I stopped and felt my chest beats faster and faster every second. What am I feeling?

"Ok, we're set" I turned my head to him and my eyes widened.

"Sedric!!!" I shouted. His face is so close!!! >~< I'm not used to this!!! Although I read it in books, still!!! My heart can't calm down!!!

I heard him chuckle. "Your cute" He commented. And I can't seem to stop blushing.

"Are you nervous?" I bit my lower lip.

"It's just that...your so close" I mumbled. I saw him smiled.

"Were friends. Friends should be close" STOP THAT!!! >///////<


"*Cry*" I opened my eyes slightly. I heard a girl crying. Someone talking. Someone helping her to calm down.

"There's nothing we can do besides hope and pray. I'm really sorry, but there's no other way." It was the doctor. He cleared his throat.

"Her case will be getting more and more critical. The medicine can't hold her that long." He explained.

"WE CAN STILL BUY SOME MEDICINES FOR HER!!! PLEASE!!! YOU CAN'T JUST...YOU CAN'T JUST GIVE UP!!! Please...there must be something we can do..." I heard mom's awful voice. I didn't know what to react. I don't even know what they are talking about, but I'm pretty sure it's about me.

I quickly closed my eyes and tried not to make my tears flow. Maybe it's for the best? I'm useless anyway...

I closed my eyes and felt myself asleep...






"So that's it? You're just going to leave me?" I looked behind me and saw Sedric. I faked a smiled.

"Leave you? I would never go anywhere. I'm stuck at bed" I said to him.

"You sure? I might find you not breathing anymore in your bed" Then a certain bed with me in it. Sedric was standing beside the bed, watching me while tears were flowing down in his cheeks.

"Your not going to leave right? I still want to be with you" My smile started to fade away.

"Why would you say that? It's not like you love me" I joked.

"Me? I'm just a part of your dreams. You dream of what you feel in real life. Don't deny the truth. Your making a fool out of yourself." He said with no emotion.

"What are you even trying to say? I'M NOT GOING TO LEAVE YOU!!!" I started to shout and tears started to flow down from my eyes. I fell to my knees and felt Sedric's embrace from behind.

"Please...don't leave" He begged as tears started to flow from his eyes too.

"I don't wanna leave either..." I said with an awful voice.

Why can't I live? Why limit my time? There's so many things I wanted to do. Life's so unfair. Your going to take all of that away? I still want to love, be loved, I need to repay my parent's for their kindness. I already planned a date with my friend Sunny. I need to say thanks to Joy too. I know I don't have a purpose, but will a reason be enough to let me stay here? Please...I can't leave yet...please...


I can't...I can't leave them like this...I can't...I can't leave Sedric either. Please...please don't take me...


"There's only a short time left for her to stay. I wish you'd have a beautiful time together" The doctor said to Fatima's parents and left them afterwards.

Her mother can't stop crying, her father can't even say anything.

"Why?" Her mother cried.

"Mom" Fatima's parents turned to the guy sitting in the couch. Fatima's brother.

"Just enjoy the time to be with her" He simply said.


Her parents panicked and turned to Fatima who is resting on her bed. She's not breathing anymore.

"DOC!!! DOC!!! DOC!!!" Her mother kept shouting.

"She's still alive" Her father said while holding her pulse.

"Call the doctor!!! HURRY!!!" Her mother shouted at Fatima's brother. He quickly stood up and ran.

"Fatima...Fatima...please...please don't let go..." Her mother mumbled while crying. She combed Fatima's hair with her fingers and started to pray while holding her daughters hands.

Her father on the other hand...pleased his head on her mother's shoulder and there, started to cry.

"Fatima, please...please don't let go" They both whispered.


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