Part 1

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They say everyone is going to die. What if that wasn't true? Would you want to live forever or age and then die? Well that is true this decade, there is no such thing as death. I wish that we had a choice to live or die, because when you live forever, not everyone is nice or helpful. No, they would rather just leave the people they think should be left behind in everything. I usually stay to myself though, and the whole reason is that you can't trust anyone around you not even people you grew up with. Being able to live forever can be totally annoying.

We all have jobs, but they usually aren't hard unless you are a criminal. Now, if you are a criminal, you have to do heavy lifting, road repairs, and among other things that these preppy people here don't want to do because they are scared of dirt. Do people have manners now? Nope, they don't and they probably never will. Sometimes I wish it was how it was in the books that stated how things were back in like the 1800's, 1900's or even in the 2000's. Everything in those times sounded great, when you everyone knew everyone. When news got around fast about anything and everything else or just to know that you might have someone to talk to about anything or everything and not have to worry about being caught.

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