criminals | 15

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[Athena Ophelia]

"Where are we even going?"Sammy asked fixing his tie

"Dinner"Shawn said and we follow all of the people to the dining hall

"Hey,"Tyler said once he sees us. He smiled at me and Shawn put his arms around my waist. Tyler snapped his head towards Shawn and cleared his throat

"Follow me"He continued and we all followed him. Jack and Sammy was already ahead of along with Tyler

"What was that for?"I whispered at him

"He's a dick when it comes to girls"He shrugged

"He seems lovely. And kina cute"I said and he rolled his eyes

"Besides, i doubt that he's a dick"I said looking at him helping the little kids

"You guys will stay here. My dad wants to have a dinner with Athena and Shawn alone"Tyler said and we both followed him

"Sounds fishy if you ask me"Shawn said and i chuckle. We both sit infront of each other and his father soon joined us. We all eat in silence and i look at Shawn to see him looking at me. I quickly look down and continue eating

"What's the catch?"Shawn ask suddenly

"Nothing"His dad said

"So are you two dating?"His father asked looking back and forth from me to Shawn.

"No sir we--"

"I don't know. Maybe. Why'd you asked?"Shawn cut me off and i looked at him

"Funny how he kidnapped you and you still want to be his girlfriend. I mean look at him. You can do much better like Tyler and not like this piece of trash here"He said and Karen gasp

"Manny!"She said

"What? He deserved it"His father said

"And i meant it when i said she deserved much better"He continued and i look at Shawn. His knuckles are turning white

"If you wanted to talk shit about me privately so everyone will still have the 'good' leader image of you than you're messed up"Shawn said

"What did you do to them anyways? You let me and my family got beat up by your minions and tie me into a damn chair"He snapped

"You did what?"Karen said looking at his father

"Like i said, he deserved it"His father said looking at Shawn. He glared at his father and his father chuckled before throwing a weak punch at his jaw

"Dad!"Aaliyah and Tyler said. Shawn grabbed his father by the collar and i widen my eyes

"Shawn, don't"I said and he glance at me before letting him go

"You're fucking lucky they're here right now or else I'll make sure you'll never see tomorrow"He said before walking out of the room. I mumbled a quick sorry before following him out of the room. I follow him back at our room and try to keep up with his pace

"Shawn calm down"I said

"How am I supposed to calm down?"He snapped

"I should have knew it that he will try to do this"He said walking back and forth across the room


"And why are you on my side? I kidnapped you, i killed your friends and i took your happiness slowly away from you!"He yelled

"I'm not that person Shawn"I said

"I look at people in their good sides. Not their bad side"I said

"You did horrible things to me but you still did good things to me"I said

"Don't bullshit me"He said

"I'm not!"I said

"I hate him"He said punching the bed and i walk towards him. I touch his shoulder and he grabbed me by the collar before pushing me towards the wall

"Calm down"I said calmly. But on the inside I'm scared shitless. He started to loosen his grip and i took a deep breath. His hands find their way towards mine before intertwining it with his.

He started to lean in and before i knew it, his lips are pressed against mine. I process what's happening for a few seconds before I loosen in his touch and kiss him back. He pulls away and i cleared my throat. I pull my hands away from him

"I'm gonna, uh, change"I mumbled grabbing the clothes and walk inside the bathroom. I brush my teeth and wash my face. I quickly change into the outfit and walked out to see him nowhere in sight.

I walk towards the bed and close my eyes, almost falling asleep instantly.


So shawn kissed her

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