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The wheels of the plane jolted me into reality, as it taxied down the runway. I had been day dreaming about my mom's  chocolate fondue  for weeks now and I could practically taste it by merely looking out the plane's  windows and gazing on the beautiful  city that was the place of my birth. It'd been 4 years since I last saw this place and everything felt so familiar and yet there was a world of difference. The airport for one was finally completed, the lawn around the runway was actually trimmed and the citizens of Lunacy  were for once not being totally rude. I loved it! I impulsively declared to myself.

As I retrieved my suitcase I got a text from David, my elder  brother, he was outside my terminal waiting for me. I felt myself smile willingly, I missed him so much. David was my immediate elder brother, we were like 1 and 1.5, we fought constantly but he always had my back and I his. He graduated high school last year and went off to Caltech to study mechanical  engineering , being the geek that he was, I don't  even know where he got his brain from, both my parents were too lazy to possibly possess science traits. Well, maybe my mom, she usually stands out in the family.

Anyway, I grabbed my suitcase and basically ran down the aisle leading to my terminal gate and ultimately  my brother, I couldn't control  the ridiculous smile plastered on my face and the way I breezed through the aisle and right  into the welcoming arms of  my brother. It felt so good to be home, and I didn't even realise I was crying till David  wiped a tear off my cheek and I couldn't help but laugh at how ridiculous I was being.

"Welcome home, Sis"  he whispered into my hair.
And boy was I glad to be home. It'd been way too long. I literally  attacked him with questions as we walked to the car "Thanks Dave, how's everyone? Did you drive here? Of course you did, what was school like? How are your classes..." I stopped my rambling  when I noticed  he wasn't walking with me anymore. I turned around and saw him staring at me with disbelief clear in his eyes "What's  wrong?" I asked walking up to him as he walked towards me closing the gap between  us. "Nothing, it's  just... you look...different" he said with a smile forming on his lips. I smiled back at him and confidently replied "I feel different". I walked ahead of him thinking to myself, he had no idea how different I now was, none at all.

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