A Messenger

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Dante's POV

I was on patrol by the gates of Phoenix Drop, when I heard a very loud 'neigh' sound come from behind me, I quickly turned around and to my surprise someone was at the gates it was.... A messenger.... Little did I know this messenger was about to change my life completely...

Messenger's POV

I arrived at the gates of Phoenix Drop and saw a man who looked like he was in his late 30s and he was wearing an old suit of chain mail armour, with a red cape and two red katanas, in hand, he had blue hair and blue eyes. Wait! Blue hair and blue eyes! That's gotta be him, what was his name again... Hmm, Dunta? No. Diro? No. Dante? Oh, yeah that's it! Dante! Okay, so I just have to give him this letter and I can leave! Cool! Then my horse started to neigh and Dante turned around as fast as lightning with a very shocked face.

"Can I help you?" He asked.

"Ah! Yes, you can I'm looking for a man named Dante, you see I have a very important letter for him from a man named Gene.."

Dante's POV

As soon as he said 'a very important letter for him from a man named Gene' my heart just stopped...

"I-uhhh..." Oh crap Dante! Come on talk! "I-I am D-D--Dante..." Oh Irene! I'm stuttering... Get yourself together Dante you can't pass out now..

"Really? Oh good! Can you read this as soon as possible, since Gene says it is a very, very, VERY important letter and you must read it straight away!" He gave me a very goofy grin and passed me the letter through the holes in the gate.

"Umm, sure, I'll go and read it now actually...H-Hey Alexis, Kyle do you think one of you can take my shift for now?" 

"Yeah, okay I'll do it." said Alexis as she came down the ladder. I then went off to read this so called important letter from Gene... I wonder what it could be about, Gene doesn't care about me anymore he just wants to crush Phoenix Drop..

Alexis' POV

Well that was a weird conversation and I can tell by the look on Kyle's face he thought the same thing as me.. Oh well looks like I've got Dante's shift for now!











Kyle's POV

Alexis and I are thinking the same thing, I can tell... We're both worried about what that letter says and why Gene would send something to his brother whom he hates so much.. I'm starting to get suspicious...









I need to find out what that letter says, but how..?

Hey Guys, Jay here!

I'm so sorry for the short chapter and I will definitely make it longer next time. :3

Word Count: 451 words.

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