A Guy Best Friend

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Chapter 1

Basically there's a guy named Chris I have a huge crush on him he's drop dead gorgeous all the girls go crazy for him... (I'm sure you guys all have that one guy at school that all the girls go crazy for but some how you know deep down inside he'll never go for you. Well basically that's me. I have a crush on a tall young safisticated guy with blonde floppy hair basically a comb over and blue, blue eyes "oh my word" his eyes are drop dead gorgeous you can't even be able to begin to describe it.
But so far that I know of he doesn't even know I exist I'm this new girl that nobody cares about. This is how I meet him:
Suddenly I hear someone shout this weird name out from across the hall... "Chris!" They shout
Now I'm like who the heck is Chris and why are they too lazy to flipping go to the person... and then my eyes finally reach who it came from Danielle the most well know popular girl in school they call her (danny) for short and then I take my eyes off her and start walking to my locker when all of a sudden I see my crush and he turns his head and he says "Danny where have you been?" now I'm still walking not noticing someone busy emptying his books into his locker (dumb kid) and I walk straight into it and land smack bang onto the floor.

My crush comes running with you know who else... not only Danielle but the one and only Danny. Man that girl gets on my goat she is this tall girl with like this strawberry blonde hair kind of like mine with blue and green eyes... anyway back to my crush as I snap out of her view he looks at me and man all I notice is how perfect his lips are and how the more he comes closer to me the more of a work of art he actually is I think I might be in love with him. But anyway danny says to me are you ok? (Now I'm like on the floor from hitting a locker with possibly a red mark on my forehead!)and I look at her and say well darling if you haven't noticed I'm kinda lying on the floor like a flat pan cake so basically to answer your question No! I'm not ok and my crush just turned his head to the side and gave a smurk and then gave a giggle. He looked at Danny and said "my angel I don't think she is ok she took quite a knock!" I say well I didn't even think you even noticed me. He smiled and said of course I noticed you... here let me help you up as he held out his hand to me... it looked so soft of my word I just wish I could hold his hands all day.

So I grabbed his hand and he helped me up. Better luck next time cupcake. He said to me. Then I said what did you just call me. He said "cupcake?"
I said gee you already making a move and we haven't know each other for longer than 5 minutes. Then Danny the girl that's been standing next to him the last 5 minutes looks at me and rolls her eyes... she says hunny  it's time to go we going to be late. Chris just stood there not taking his gaze off me for one second he replies to Danny I'll go now I just want to finish me and...I interuppt him and say My name is Crystal. He says to danny me and Crystals convosation you go with out me so long as he finishes his sentence. His girlfriend says "ok!" and gives him a peck on the cheek and walks away. He then says to me Hi Crystal I'm Chris nice to meet you. I say nice to meet you to. He says sorry about that that's my girlfriend Danielle. I say yes, yes  and it's Danny for short...
He goes yip that's my beautiful girl...

He says anyway before we are late for class I just wanted to get your number. I look shocked hesitated and gave a slight sigh. He says what you don't have to give it to me if you don't want to I say no don't worry... it's just I've given my number out so many times today I let a slight giggle escape my lips and then he looked at me and gave me a smurk... so I tell him my number... and he then said that I'll message you tonight and winked at me like what the... what's all this suppose to mean...

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