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A/N: This is not The Walking Dead, however it may seem similar in some ways, but there are no zombies in my novel.  I don't watch the show anyways, so I can assure you I'm not copying it. I wouldn't know about it. Enjoy, -Amanda xx


When I was only eight, I had a reoccuring nightmare about life as we know it. This dream would follow the same simple sequence. First, I would be watching my young self sleep peacefully in her bed. She kept a stuffed toy clutched to her chest, and I could hear the barely audible soft sounds of her- or my, rather,- breathing. This would continue for awhile, just watching myself rest, without a care in the world. Then, the noises began. I could hear whispering, shouting, and screeching. My sleeping, dream self remained in bed, as if she could not hear these noises that haunted my actual sleeping body. After the noises, the deterioration of her surroundings occured. The furniture in her bedroom toppled, shattering into pieces on the rug. The walls toppled down, leaving only large chunks. But, my sleepy dream self was totally unaware of everything happening around her. I would try to wake her -oh, how I tried to wake her!- but she was too far gone. I would wake, only, when there was nothing. All that was left was the bed, and my sleeping form.

As I grew up, I never understood what this dream meant, and why I kept having it night after night. I told my friends about it and they laughed in my face! How could one have a dream as foolish as this? This is what I thought. I thought my dream was silly, just my brain merely playing tricks on me. I never thought of this dream meaning something, until it came true.

I was born on May 8th, to my lovely parents, Calloway and Nathalia Matthews. They named me Ophelia, deriving from the Greek word, "ophelos," meaning, "help." I inherited my mother's light hair and light eyes, along with my father's crooked nose. I have two older brothers: Christian and Orion. Christian is very tough and masculine, but can also be sensitive. Orion is a kind-hearted soul, who would do anything to protect his little sis. I grew up in a big farmhouse, located in the countryside. The nearest neighbor was a couple miles down the road. 

I had a very nice childhood. I received a great education, (curtesy to the homeschooling of my mother), and I seemed to always have what I need. I clearly remember the antics Orion and I used to play on mother, however we would always get caught. I can also remember our family dinners, where we talked about our uneventful days, tending to the garden and swimming in the little pond in the backyard. I was a happy tot and loved my life, until the fateful day in June. 

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I woke up that morning, covered in sweat from head to toe. My sheets stuck my body, and I remember peeling them off my sticky skin. I had the dream that night, but it seemed like nothing out of the ordinary. I got out of bed and got dressed. I believe it was a Saturday, meaning no schooling. My Saturdays were usually spend with Orion, either exploring the wildlife or swimming. I had looked out the window, and saw dark clouds covering the sky in thick layers. My days were spent outside and if it rained I would have nothing to do. I walked in the kitchen with a solemn expression, to find my mother and father dilly-dallying in the kitchen. They rushed around with worried looks, ushering my brothers out of the house. 

"Both of you, in the car, now." I remember my father instructing them both. 

"What's going on?" I remember asking my mother. She had ran over to me, bending down to my smaller height. 

"Sweetheart, I'm afraid we have to go. It isn't safe here anymore," she said. I has cocked my head, wondering what on earth she was going on about. Not safe? Of course we were safe here! I grew up here, didn't I? She lifted me into her arms, carrying me out of the house. She set me down between Christian and Orion, instructing them to buckle our belts. My father eventually burst out of the house and ran towards car, leaving the front door open behind him.

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