Chapter 25

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*Fast forward to Back to School*

(Meadow's POV)

     I felt a small tap on my should in my advance English class. I turned around to see Kendall, who sits behind me, handing me a crumbled up sticky note. She pushed it in my head quickly, picking up her pencil to work afterwards.

I rested my hands on my lap, underneath my desk. I moved quickly but quietly to open the paper, keeping an eye on the teacher who was writing something on the the whiteboard. I glanced down at the note, skimming the words Kendz wrote on the paper.

Are you going to the football game tonight?

I turned around, nodding my head after she glanced up to look at my response. She shot me a small smile before returning to her work.

In New Jersey, the high schools hold a winter season of football. So the football teams play for fall and winter season after the holiday break. I don't know why, they've been doing this tradition since before I moved to New Jersey.

It's fun because the whole student body goes to watch the game and they have snacks you can buy and whatever. There's usually a party after each game, but Gray, Eth, and Max don't usually go. For us, Kendall, the boys, and I sleepover each other's houses.

     In all honesty, I don't understand how the three of them don't do parties and things like that. They are some of the most popular boys in the school, could make any girl fall to their feet, and yet could be some of the most humble kids I know. They aren't players, thank goodness, or else I would be mad at myself for falling for one, not that he saw me as anything else but a person.


"M, HURRY UP!" Max shouted from his room, his voice traveling down the hall to reach me. "I DON'T WANT TO BE LATE TO WARM UPS!"

"Ok, I'm almost done," I lied, hopping off my bed while clicking off my phone.

I raced to my closet, grabbing a pair of black leggings and an oversized jersey shirt. After quickly tugging it over my head, I ran over to my Jordans that waiting by my door, lacing them on as I raced to grab my phone off the bed.

"MEADOW, WE HAVE TO LEAVE NOW!!!" Max screamed from downstairs, and I heard the front door click open.

I hopped down the stairs, tying my hair up into a loose bun along the way, forgetting everything else but making it on time for my brother.


"Girl, are you cold?" Kendall stared at me, eyeing my short sleeved shirt and thin leggings.

"I was rushing and forgot to grab a jacket," I sighed, rubbing my hands against my elbows, attempting to create some sort of warmth.

New Jersey takes football very seriously, therefore the stands are usually filled. If you want a seat, you have to be there early. If you're late, you'll have to stand up with the poor cheerleaders who barely wear anything with their sad uniforms that don't even cover half of their bodies.

"Good friends would lend their jacket to their friend, but I guess I'm not a good friend," she shrugged her shoulders, snuggling up in her North Face.

"'re my best friend," I replied sarcastically, half joking, half completely serious.

"Totally," she cheered, adjusting her earmuffs as I covered my naked ears with my ice cold hands.

The buzzer blared loudly, indicating that the game was about to begin. Kendall clapped her glove-covered hands from beside me as I looked down at the goosebumps that filled my freezing arms.


I turned my attention the field, where I watched Grayson exit the group huddle that they were currently standing in. I knew it was him because his jersey number was 49, and it also read Dolan. He ran to the benches on the side, grabbing a black piece of clothing from his duffel bag.

I watched him in confusion as he began racing to the bleachers, climbing up the steps by two. He looked up for a second, his head wandering around until his eyes matched up with mine. He shot me a sweet smile, coming closer and closer to me within each step.

I watched him curiously, tipping my head slightly to the side. In a few seconds, he was standing in front of me, looking down at me with his adorable smile. He held his hands out in front of me, which I looked down to see held a black sweatshirt.

He gestured for me to take it, and I did shyly, looking up to see his hazel eyes meeting mine, shining brightly.

"Thanks," I whispered, feeling my cheeks heat up as I gave him a small smile, which he returned.

"Make sure you cheer me on more than you do for your brother," he grinned, wiggling his eyebrows before running back down the steps.

I smiled to myself, glancing over at Kendall who stood there, smirking with a raised eyebrow. I rolled my eyes playfully, unrolling the sweatshirt, turning it to face me.

My eyes followed along the words on the jacket, my cheeks instantly becoming redder than they already were from the cold.

"Aye, she's mine," Kendall looked over my shoulder, playfully nudging me. Did she have to ruin the moment? (That's what best friends do lol)

"Shut up," I laughed, gently pushing her away as I lifted the sweatshirt over my shoulders, instantly feeling the warmth due to the contact the material had with my skin.

     I lifted the front of the hoodie to my nose, quickly taking a small whiff, smiling like a dork. It smelt like his cologne. It smelt like him.

(Grayson's POV)

     I looked into her brown eyes, which made me melt a little inside. "Thanks, she whispered, clutching the sweatshirt close to her chest.

     I heard "ooos" and "awwwws" around me, and I laughed at the  cliché scene that I made.

"Make sure you cheer me on more than you do for your brother," I joked, sending her a friendly smile, as she stared back at me with hopeful and happy-filled eyes.

     I ran back down the bleachers, earning a few claps on the back from fellow classmates on the way down. When I reached the field, the boys clapped and hollered, whacking my football helmet. I smiled and I joined the huddle once again to coach's glare.

"Get you head in the game, Dolan," coach demanded, crossing his arms tightly across his chest. I looked at the ground, slightly disappointed at how distracted I was. "But that was a pretty slick move you played just now."

I looked up to see coach grinning at me, holding his hand out for me to high five. The boys cheered around me and I grinned. "What did it say?" One of my teammates asked, everyone turning their attention to me.

     I lifted my finger, pointing to the bleachers, to see Meadow holding up my sweatshirt, which read, "Aye, she's mine," her cheeks a fire truck red color. I knew I embarrassed her a little, but that was one of my many goals.

"Ok guys, listen up. Here's the plan."


     I got in position, turning slightly to see Meadow beaming down at me from the stands, snuggled up in my sweatshirt.

1220 words A/N Ayeeeee IK it was a long chapter, but I did a shorter chapter last time, so I "added" an extra 200 words to make up for it. I CAN'T BELIEVE HOW HOW CLOSE WE ARE TO 1k VIEWS!!!

Sweatshirt- A Grayson Dolan FanficWhere stories live. Discover now