Chapter 3: The struggles of being prince charming

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Mr. and Mrs. Quin arrived early in the morning before Ryder left for school. With their arrival the house was once again filled with loud voices, the peace and quiet Ryder loved so much shattering.

"Michelle, I'm telling you, she dead-ass tried to kill me." Henry Quin was at it again. Convinced his mother-in-law hated his guts and wanted him dead.

"She was sick, how could she kill you when she couldn't even leave her bed?" Michelle glared at her husband while Ryder sipped her coffee enjoying the show. Mom had a point, but dad is right. Grandma really hates his guts.

"She tripped me with her crane!!!"

"You're just too clumsy."

"I'm not clumsy!!!"

Michelle raised an eyebrow, the look in her eye full of indications. Henry was taken aback by that look, his lips twitching as his face flushed bright red.

"Just once Michelle. Just once. I fell on you just once. Get over it already." Henry threw his arms in the air frustrated and embarrassed. Ryder chuckled.

"I had to go to the hospital because of two broken ribs." Michelle placed her hands on both of her sides, glaring at her husband, whose face turned even redder and guilt filled his eyes. After seeing that she couldn't go on with guilt-tripping him anymore and patted his shoulder. "I will talk to mom, okay? Who cares if she hates you? Isn't my love enough?"

Seeing that things were getting a bit too sweet, Ryder placed her mug on the counter and left. "Too much sugar. You're giving me diabetes." She mocked her parents who ignored her and went on with their dipped-in-honey conversation.

Last night, the stranger left soon after he smoothly refused to tell her anything else about his identity. Unlike the first time, Ryder wasn't scared out of her wits. However, she still went inside, locking all the doors and windows, just to be on the safe side. Even though by the end of this second meeting she was mostly convinced that this young man didn't harbor any bad intentions, he still was a stranger and a man and Ryder wouldn't be able to defend herself if he decided to get handsy even if by the looks of it the chances of such things to happen were low. If he wanted to harm her, he would have done so by now.

"Ryde!" Jasmine called her name when Ryder had just opened her locker. Lazily she turned her head to greet Jasmine, but her eyes widened the moment she noticed her crazy friend.

This mental thug had thrown an arm over the shoulders of the unfortunate guy from yesterday, her hand grabbing the cloth on his shoulder like the claw of a tiger not letting go of its pray, as she walked very cheerfully to Ryder, dragging the poor guy along, who tried with all his might to free himself and run away but failed miserably. He was visibly taller than Jasmine and that position was clearly very painful to his pride and back. Is she trying to help him with his bullies or bully him herself, Ryder couldn't tell.

"This is Remy. Isn't he cute?"

Remy blushed like the ass of a baboon. His black hair fell over his face, hiding his dark eyes. He was quite handsome, straight narrow nose, a somewhat sharp jawline, and smooth white skin... only Jasmine would call such a face cute. Ryder felt bad for the guy.

"Jaz, let go of him."

Jasmine frowned and instead of letting go of the poor guy, she wrapped both of her arms around Remy's neck, rubbing her cheek against his. "But then he will run away and I won't be able to find him again."

Mama-bear is a bit unreasonable and not well aware of the fact that she's actually bullying her cute "son". Ryder knew Jasmine had no bad intentions, she truly wanted to take care of the guy, but Remy might not be aware of this and by the looks of it, he didn't want anything to do with Jasmine. He also looked scared, which is understandable since the girl rubbing her cheek against his face was the Boxer Girl with iron fists.

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