2 : I'm going crazy, aren't I?

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Yuki's POV
         Alright, someone's in my house, I blacked out, my family and best friend just died, now what?

Oh boy, I shouldn't have said that.

Wake up princess. Um, from what I remember I don't have another version of me in my head like sakura. Wait, WHAT?!?! PRINCESS!?! no body calls me princess and gets away with it.

There is no time to trivial against me young one. Open your eyes. Okay voice in my head, but I'd I'm blinded by light, your so dead. slowly, I carefully open my eyes only to be...




Blinded by light!! Wow surprise!!
"Ugh. Why you do this to me voice." I grumble, getting use to the bright light in my eyes. Light blue skies, bright fluffy clouds, the swoosh of the trees and the soft gentle breeze. Damn, I expected  heaven to be more.... White? Oh well, might as well get more sleep. I close my eyes again and dose off. I'm pretty sure the voice sighed. Oh well.





"Hey, do you think this youthful young girl is awake?"



"I don't think so. What are we going to do?"

"Let's take her to the hokage. Maybe he will know what to do with this youthful girl."

Another sigh.

Suddenly, I was picked up. "Wow, she's  surprisingly really light." I heard one of them say.


Sure, a 15 year old is pretty light.

I then felt the site around be move so I decided that a little peek would be fine.

Bad idea.

We were jumping through trees at a alarming fast speed. "HOLY SHIT!" I bursted out, surprising the man, making him drop me. And oh let me tell you how fun it is to be dropped on the hard, grassy dirt floor at a extremely fast speed.

I need a ambulance.

But, having pride, I didn't cry out in pain. I just laid there. Not moving. I heard the person next to me curse. The other guy was panicking. "Oh no! Kakashi, what have we done!?!?" That's when I snapped my eyes open. I noticed 3 things in the span of a second.

Kakashi and Guy.

This was real.

And a giant pain through my back.


And oh did I regret also these words.

"Kakashi, how does this little girl know you?" Guy said, now seeming a bit more cautious.

Wait what?? Little girl??

"Who you calling little girl Guy?? I'm 15!" I shouted.

I hated, absolutely hated being called little because I'm actually probably taller than almost every 15 year old in my school.

I'm pretty sure Guy and kakashi exchanged looks while I realized my little body. I look at them, look at my body. Look at them, look at my body. That happened a few times before I just zoned out. I'm actually 5, kakashi and Guy are in front of me, and the people I care about are dead.

Oh can't forget the voice in my head!

Natural reaction for today is.....



I faint.

Authors note: sorry for making it a short chapter, I didn't exactly have to much time to write this and I kinds just had to get something out. Sorry :)

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