Birthday meal: secrets and spillages

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Eduardos POV) Feeling flustered and almost I suppose you could say confused I stood up. Gazing down at my clock I realised I had 10 minutes, I must have been just sitting thinking for a good 10 minutes. I went to my wardrobe and clatter through my selection of clothes. Shirts, polo shirts suits and more polo shirts, I pink one out, pink and freshly ironed, matched with a white pair of white chinos, a Christmas present from last year. The most feminine thing I can find and put them on, I pair them with a pair of converse shoes and walk through to the ensuite. I pull out a tin of hair gel and begin to style it, trying to make a quiff, dad doesn't like quiffs thinks there too common! I finish but I decide it looks finally and lean my head slowly, cautiously over the sink. I rinse the gel out and dry my hair with the dryer, I can hear my name being called from downstairs "get a move on Eduardo, do you want to make us all late" mum shouts up the stairs, "one minute just finishing my hair" I call back in response. I then scramble through the drawer, a scrambled mixture of gel tins hair sprays, cotton buds and Bobby pins. I finally found a comb lurking under masses of currently useless products and remove it from the drawer. I begin to brush my hair and using the comb sweep it down to my right side, aiming for a Justin Bieber-esque look, once as satisfied as can be I place the comb back in amongst the junk and shut the drawer, I then leave the bathroom and collect my phone before heading downstairs.
I get to the last Step and everyone sighs, "Finally Eduardo, come on then let's go on an adventure" he says to me and I suddenly start to panick, thoughts start to fill my head 'what if I look too feminine, maybe they know,  what if the waiters know, Emilia probably helps me' sensing a panic attack if I don't calm down I grab a bottle of water and gulp for a good minute. I can sense Emilia feeling concerned and wanting to tell Dad, I give her a warning glance, don't I mouth to her as I pull myself into the car and pull the door shut.

Annas POV) It was Emilias birthday, All 4 of us were going out as a family for dinner, I finished applying my makeup and quickly stumble down the stairs just managing to keep myself from falling, Jonathan and Emilia are there without Eduardo much to my surprise, "Where's Eduardo" I ask and they both tell me in sync "in his room", I place myself down on a chair and call up the stairs, telling Eduardo to hurry up and then I wait.  I gaze out the window and see a robin, I start to daydream and think. I heard Emilia and Eduardo talking earlier sort of arguing, I was passing there room to get to the laundry and I heard Eduardo, his voice trembling saying he wanted to tell (Emilia) something, I'd also found a note on his desk cleaning the other day, talking about how he felt anxious and trapped. I didn't know what to think what was causing all of these emotions. My mind was racing ten to a dozen as I tried to think of every possibility, I was stumped, I couldn't think of 1.. My thoughts are interrupted by Jonathan (and Emilia) letting out a massive sign and the creak of the stairs, Eduardo was finally downstairs, Jonathan speaks before me ("finally Eduardo, let's go" ) and we start to get up, suddenly I notice Eduardo's cheeks had noticeably lost colour, he grabbed water and spent a good minute gulping as we traipsed out the door, then I spot him give a warning glance to Emilia and mouth something like stop or don't to her. What was so bad in his life that he couldn't tell me, I just didn't know...

Emilias POV) An hour later, after mum and Eduardo had finally finished getting ready and come downstairs we were in the car, I strapped myself in and pulled out my phone from my pocket, my phone screen lit just as I did, Jaycee was home from school and I couldn't stop smiling, but k forget to shield my phone and Eduardo saw, I messaged her back, hey boo, on my way to dinner for my birthday meal, can't talk long with my family Ly babe. Then I hear Eduardo start speaking, Emilia, who's that I didn't know you had a girlfriend, "shut up Eduardo" I hiss, and shoot him a warning glare, "what's this about girlfriends" my dad asks, "nothing dad, it's a joke Dw" I reply and Eduardo doesn't stop "but" I slap him and make a motion with my hands, saying stop. I send him a text that reads: shut up or you're dead and he does. I slide my phone back into my pocket and start to sing to the radio, turning my head I notice Eduardo, his face was completely pale and he looked quite of sick, j also see his hands slighty trembling, I hold his hand and wipe his hair out of his face and pass him a bottle of water, suspecting an impending anxiety attack I whisper the grounding method to him and hold his hand until we finally pull in to the restaurant. I hear the tyres crunch against the carparks gravel, one of my favourite sounds and I give Eduardo the thumbs up sign and he does the same back, telling me he's ok. I don't fully believe him but I nod and get out the car. We enter the restaurant and get seated, instantly I pick up a menu and start to scan it, I'm starving. I select breadsticks for starter and a seafood pasta for main, one of mine and Jaycees shared food loves. I send her a message simply saying love you and turn my phone off. I impatiently drink and wait for my food, my tummy rumbling ten to the dozen from extreme hunger.  I put my lemonade glass down on the table for the 10th time and I'm tapping the table when I hear Eduardo cry "I'm going to be sick" and see him dash to the toilets, I scrape my chair back hastily and loudly and race after him. ..

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2016 ⏰

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