Part 3

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'Taters, are you there Taters?' nope ok he's just gonna be a bigger couch potato and not notice me, what type of potato is he?? THE DOG TYPE OF POTATO THATS THE TYPE! Oh well the baby potatoes are nice at least. Wait, what is Taters doing? Is he digging up the little fetuses? 'TATERS!!! OVER HERE, TATERS!' he doesn't hear me again. I can hear his music because it's so loud. He's listening to Kanye West, my favourite. Well I can rap with these little potatoes and teach them some basic Kanye West songs. 'Was that right Lil Guy?' says young, little Patty the Potato. 'Yes, son, yes.' 'YAY! HEY EVERYONE I CAN RAP I'M SO GOOD AT IT EVEN ASK KANYE WEST!'. 'BUT ARE YOU AS GOOD AS ME AYEEE?' yells out little Channing Potatum. The banter has got me rolling around on the fetuses on the hard ground. They crack me up like Humpty Dumpty when he fell off the brick wall, 'HAHAHAH' NOW I CAN'T STOP LAUGHING!!! Then I remember Taters and his tractor and realise he drove off leaving us with any music to rap to. What a shame. Now we don't have any music too, and oh yeah I'M STUCK DOWN HERE! Taters is a deaf old man who has left me to die shame on him and his patata ears. 

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