Chapter 1

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A/N, the staircase ^^ just imagine it librarish...
"Addilynn Quinn please report to Chief Witt's office." Austen Witt, the chief of the Olympia Police Department, AKA my best friend, called over the loud speaker. He loved to call himself "chief Witt", why he was calling me over the loudspeaker though , I do not know. I opened the door to his office with a smile, directed towards Austen.
"Chief Witt, what can I do you for?" He sighed, "Addilynn,--" I frowned,

"this has got to be bad, considering you just called me by my full name..."

"it is." He replied, shaking his head. "Listen me through." He gave me a pointed look. "I've kept you on as long as I can, I've made excuse, after excuse for you, but nobody wants to keep an employee that has never completed any of their jobs... You haven't made one arrest Addy." He sighed, "Addilynn, you've made 9 strikes, and your almost out." I gasped, "don't interrupt," he repeated, "if you make an arrest within two weeks, and I'm talking about an arrest that matters, not some drunk teens or anything, then I can keep you on, if you don't... Well, you know the rest of that sentence."

My throat tightened, I had worked all my life for this job, I couldn't give it up now,

"What job could I possibly get, and be able to make the arrest in two weeks, that nobody else already has, that fits your criteria?!"

"You could take on the Roberts case," he joked, to lighten the mood I'm assuming, however it did the opposite,

"Is that the only available job?" I said in a panic.  Henry Roberts is the most known name of the most sought after criminal in Washington state, he had been arrested twice, escaping both times, and everyone who attempted to arrest him, went missing within 3 weeks. So far, we had no pictures, or DNA or even his real name. We had no idea who this "Henry Roberts" was.

"No, I was joking Addy.  I'll have officer Pierce take all the available jobs to your desk.  Addy?"


"Try your best." And with that, I walked out the door and walked to the bathrooms.

I have two weeks, to arrest someone worth anything, or I'm out of here. I guess I can only blame myself, as my past attempts at arresting anyone failed miserably, like when I tried to arrest John Carādence. I cringed at the memory.

I had been assigned Carādence, and after looking, and looking, I found a shady looking warehouse, and found, and arrested Carādence. Turns out it wasn't him, and I arrested a completely innocent man. Needless to say, I got in trouble.

Another incident was when I was making an arrest on Jack Crown, a murderer, running a bait shop for fishermen, he noticed I was a cop, and dumped a whole bucket of fish guts on me, before making his escape. I smelled like fish for weeks. We still haven't found him, and that was four months ago.

I need to find a way to redeem myself.

I thought.

Catching Henry Roberts, would put me in a good light.

No! I will not go after him, he is the most dangerous man in Washington, mom would kill me if I went near him.

I nod in agreement to myself.

And that is exactly why you are looked down on. "Mom wouldn't want this", "mom wouldn't want that!" You have to do something dangerous every now and again!

I have to admit, I had a good point.

But not that good of a point, Addilynn, don't listen to her!
Reasonable-me replied,

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