Chapter 2

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The room she gets stuck in (except not padded walls, just normal white walls.)
This story is only in Addilynn's POV. I may put a chapter in "Henry Roberts'" POV later, but as far as I'm concerned currently, Addilynn is the only POV. A/N
He walked me up the staircase with ease, as if it was an everyday occurrence to take someone prisoner, and probably kill... Come to think of it, it probably was and everyday occurrence.

I told you not to listen to annoying-me, but did you listen? Noo, you just have to impress Austen, and the rest of the police station.

Responsible-me sneered... Well as much as a voice in your brain could.

"Oh look at me, I'm Responsible-me, all high and mighty, and I am the best I should be the only voice you listen to" oh shut up, you never get anything done if you don't at least try. I'm sure we can get out of it. Your Responsible-me, come up with a way out!

"Oh look at me, I'm annoying-me, I ignore responsible-me, and get us in bad situations, and then let responsible me fix it!"

"Are you talking to yourself?" Henry criminal dude said.

"Whaaaaat? I don't know what you talking about..." I nervously laughed.

"Oh look at me, I'm annoying-me, I ignore responsible-me, and get us in bad situations, and then let responsible me fix it!" He repeated.

"I was... Uh... What a lovely library..."

"Do you talk to yourself often?" He asked, chuckling. I decided to take this time to study his appearance, I could see his startling electric blue eyes, his skin tone was light, but he was tanned, once closer I could tell he was more like 6'4.  He was muscular, but not heavily built. I still didn't know what to call him.

"What's your name?" I blurted out, "I mean, I don't know what to call you... I am currently calling you 'Henry criminal dude'... So... What's your name?" I repeated.

He laughed, "'Henry criminal dude'? Well that was original. Just call me Zayne. That's not my real name of course, but you can call me that." He said as he pushed some buttons on his laptop.

We were in his office now, and as I looked around, I noticed it was a very clean office, everything was in order. His desk was neat, with a laptop in the middle, a notepad beside it at the right, with a pin laying on top, there was a office phone a little above the notepad. He was concentrated on his laptop, and I started edging towards the door.
Maybe I could get out of here befo--

"Stay where you are. Don't forget, I'm the one with the gun." He said without looking up from his laptop. Shoot!
"Since we were speaking of names, I need yours." He ordered.

I sighed. "Officer Addilynn Quinn."

"Spelling? And middle name also." He said glancing over the top of his laptop for a second.

"A-D-D-I-L-Y-N-N M-A-Y Q-U-I-N-N"

"Good girl. Where and when were you born?"

"Sacramento California, August 15th 1993." Yes I was giving him information, but what else could I do? He had a gun pointed at me, I had handcuffs on so I couldn't run fast enough, and I might as well comply with what he wants until I find a way to escape.

"Birth parents?"

"Samuel and Amelia Quinn, moms maiden name was Bell." I answered before he asked.

He looked at me from over the laptop, raising an eyebrow, "you sure are giving a lot of information, are you sure you didn't want to be caught?"

I glared at him, "no, believe it or not, I know how this works. You ask me a question, I refuse, you punch me, or use some other form of torture, and I end up giving you the information anyways, except with more bruises and sometimes broken bones. I'd rather not go through that whole process." I replied dryly.

"You really could be useful." He replied, smiling.

"Oh yes, I would just love to help the guy I came here to arrest. While I'm at it, how about I tell you all about my life since we're best friends and all." I replied with fake cheer, glaring at the end.

"Although I thoroughly do enjoy your sarcasm Addilynn, I am rather busy at the moment. If you would take a seat, I will speak with you in a moment." He waved his hand to the seats in front of his desk.

"Do not call me Addilynn." I said through gritted.

"I think you forgot who's in charge. I can call you whatever I want. Addilynn." He waved his gun around to make a point. "Now take. A. Seat." He repeated, annunciating every word. I took a seat, huffing angrily, and glaring at him all the while. He didn't look up.

"Could you stop glaring at me Addilynn? It's rather annoying." He said after a couple minutes of me glaring at him, and him not looking up.

"I would gladly stop if you would stop pointing that gun at me, take off my handcuffs, and let me go." I continued to glare at him.

He sighed, "I was hoping we could get along, but that seems to not be working out. Nevertheless, I am done in here, so if you would come with me over to the wall behind me, I would be ever so grateful."

I stood up, confused. Why were we going to go to the wall?

He's going to kill you, you idiot. He needs you over there so there is no escape.

For once, I'm on responsible-me's side.

Annoying-me agreed. I stood up, preparing to bolt for the door when Zayne spoke,

"Oh calm down, I'm not going to kill you, or hurt you unless you don't do as told. I don't like blood, in my office." He said as if I should have known that already. "Come along, I don't have all day. Although I don't like blood in my office, I do have a cleaning lady that will clean up any blood, if I get annoyed by you." He said, sounding irritated. I quickly walked over to the wall. He pushed a button on his phone, and the wall opened up.

Of course he would have a secret room.

I want a secret room!

Annoying me whined,

"Do you talk to yourself often? Or just when your being kidnapped?" Zayne smirked.

My eyes widened, "I said that out loud? What part?"

"That you wanted a secret room. Don't worry, this room is all yours." He said, while taking off all of my defense tools. Why hadn't I used those before?!

"What are you talking about?" I replied, confused.

He removed my last strand of hope, my phone, before answering. "You didn't think I would let you stay with me all along did you?" He smirked before pushing me into the room, stepping out, and closing the door.

I was left in complete darkness. From what I saw before he closed the door, there was a small bed, connected to the walls, in one corner, and a camera in another. There wasn't anything else. I sighed as I scooted to the wall behind me, pushing up against it to get up. Once I was standing I walked slowly, parallel to the wall, keeping my arm touching it so I knew where I was, until getting to the corner opposite the one with the bed. I turned and did the same until I got to the bed, I climbed on, and sighed. This was going to be a long night.

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