Scars are Revealed

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+Pines Home: Just before Nightshift+

Mabel checked on her sleeping brother in his room. A soft smile graced her face before it disappeared. She walked over to her sibling and did her usual routine to check him. He thoughts about the routine we're never in the like category as always. It reminded her of her mistakes and failures that had to with her brother; her twin.

She took out a thick book out from the nightstand drawer and opened it up. It was just a false book filled with tools. She picked up a pair of scissors, turned towards her brother and got to work. She kept reminding herself that if was to keep her brother alive and not dead.

Dipper, on the other hand, was in a deep sleep to not be disturbed by what his sister was doing, but he was well aware of what happens when he's asleep.

Next, Mabel pulled some red threads and a needle out of the false book. With quick hands it was over with the procedure she had done. Then came a few other things, until she just pulled out a small dainty flashlight.

She went close to her brother's face and opened one of his eyes to see it reacts to the light. It does and she lets out a relief sigh and that's when she smiles again. Mabel put the tools away in the false book and makes a mental reminder to clean them later.

As the drawer closed, Dipper finally started waking up. He groaned when he sat up after opening his eyes. Dipper looked around and spotted his twin and gave her a kind smile. "Was everything with me okay Mable?"

She nodded and gave her brother a hug. "Yeah Dipper. You're okay." Mable did her best to push out the negative thoughts, but it just didn't want to leave.

Dipper hugged her back, he wasn't the one needing comfort anyways, it was his twin that needed the affection more. "I'm sorry Mabel."

She shook her head slightly against the brunet's chest. "It's fine, really... I just wish everything was okay with you." She could start feeling some tears start to build up.

They stayed like that for a few more minutes before Mabel pulled away to let Dipper get ready for work. She closed the door behind her and let out a shaky breath out and let the tears fall from here eyes.

"I'm sorry I couldn't save you."

+Paranormia: Night+

Bill had himself a good time in his cage with his now brunet lover. The male's back leaning against his chest as his arms were wrapped around him. The animatronic nuzzled his face in the night guard's hair.

Dipper just let the yellow bot be, keeping his eyes closed, feeling relaxed. He hummed a tune that had Bill hugging him a bit more.

There was only silence in the room besides Dipper's occasional humming. It was peaceful for awhile.

"Hm?" Dipper brought his hand up to touch his cheek and his eyes widened at the realization. He quickly stood up from Bill's lap and faced him. "Bill, please let me out of here. I need to go to the bathroom." He said with a tone of panic that Bill heard.

The animatronic stared at Dipper holding his cheek like to hide something. "PineTree, what's wrong?" He stood up as well and tried to get closer to him, but the human backed away from him. "PineTree..."

"Bill, please I'm begging you now, open the door and let me out. I can't let you see them." Panic took the expression on Dipper's face. "I'm not ready to show you. You'll probably think I'm worthless... This is so bad timing." He was kinda starting to hyperventilate and looked around avoiding Bill's gaze. "I-I need M-Mabel!" Dipper exclaimed.

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