Just Give Into Me

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@SarahTuell requested the song Marionette for this chapter! Thanks for the suggestion XD If you people wanna request feel free, I'll try to post more chapters.

+Weeks after the surprise visit of Mabel+

Mabel decided that she would come help Dipper with his night shift a Gravity Paranoia. She quickly made friends with the other animatronics, Bill on the side of not being her friend just yet.

Dipper on the other hand was always with Bill in his cage. They'd either be on the swing or the floor of the cage while Bill spoiled him with his love. He would just ease into letting the yellow bot do whatever he wanted with him, but fight back sometimes when Bill would go across the line.

So to say the twins got use to the bots and they got use to the twins.

Right now Mabel was hanging out with the other bots, while Dipper stayed locked in the security camera room to watch over everyone. Taking a look at the video feeds every so often so he could still write in his journal about his night shift. Just then his cell phone rang and he took it out of his pocket picking up the call. "This is Dipper Pines speaking, to who am I speaking to?"

"Oh! Dipper it's me Richard." The person on the other end of the phone said.

"Hey Manager, what's up man?" He asked as he looked at the camera feeds. Mabel waving into the camera happily and he smiled.

"Good new Dipper we finally got someone to actually hold the night guard position. I bet your glad that you don't have to do it anymore huh?" Richard said with glee.

Dipper hummed in agreement when he actually was just starting to like the night guard position. "That sound great Manager. I guess I'll be finally be able to sleep well now." He chuckled a bit and glanced at the security feed to see Bill grinning into the camera. "So when do you want me to leave the night guard position?"

He hear his manger tap something maybe a table. "After tonight actually. The new guy said he'd take the job as soon as it was free from the temporary guard."

"Okay, well I'll see you tomorrow then Manager. Good night."

"Night Dipper. -click-"

Then Dipper hung up the phone and sighed. He started writing again after glancing at the video feeds. Bill was, well he's on his way to get Dipper. Mabel was hanging out with Tad and Pyronica.

The door was broken down again after 10 minutes. Dipper closed his journal and turned his chair to give Bill a annoyed look, but he really couldn't bring himself to do so.

"I'm here to pick you up PineTree!~" Bill picked the teen up and brought him back to the main stage. Setting Dipper on his swim then closing the cage door.

"I'm curious Bill-"

"Your always curious PineTree, but that's what makes you entertaining!" The yellow animatronic exclaimed grinning at the brunet.

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